how sick is the nation?


New Member
there is a website called blasphemy challenge .com where it asks people to denounce the Holy Trinity! WHERE IS AMERICA GOING?!?!? HOW MUCH FARTHER FROM GOD WILL WE GO?!?!? This pains my heart to see the nation that i have been taught trusted in God and was "under God" come to this point. what is worse is that most of the people responding ARE AROUND MY AGE! i have said it before and i will say it again, i belive my generation and the ones all little bit older than me are this worlds last chance. what is even worse is that this is just the tip of the iceburg! IT WILL GET WORSE! BUT HOW?:( :confused: . Please pray for all those involved on both sides. as a response a man made a webiste called challenge blasphemy. you simple post a testimony on youtube. what a sick and twisted nation this is becoming. Matthew 3:25- And if a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand. where is America going?
Joey, im am totally behind you. this nation and world are comming to a Godless future and the teens now are the last generation to save it. We need to reach out and grab as many people as we can before they are 20, cause by that point its too late. (also see my BattleCry thread a while back it goes hand-in-hand with this one)

Casting Crowns song: "If We Are The Body" is a perfect example of what Christians arnt doing.

and another thing while the non-believer arnt helping there are a lot of "Bowl Christian", as my pastor described. Bowl Christians hide their light and they say their Christians but really arn't. i have a few friends like that and it hurts me.

anyway Joey whatever you do or say or whatnot, im with ya. We need to save our Generation so that Christ can live in this world.

just on a side note, i whole-heartedly believe Christ is comming soon.
Ducky I hate to say this but you're going to see a lot of things such as this that will sadden your heart as you get older. Just remain vigilante and don't let the world sway you. Be a beacon of light in the darkness.

Just as a side note, this nation is not now nor has it ever been a Christian nation. Many argue it is because it was founded on Christian principles and beliefs. Sorry but the overwhelming majority of the founding fathers were Deists, not Christians.

When Christ is coming back, I don't know, nor do I care to speculate as it is out of my hands. What I do know is America is on a slippery slope and like all the great world powers, it will eventually be judged and fall. Governments are temporary. God is forever, always remember that.
Joey, im am totally behind you. this nation and world are comming to a Godless future and the teens now are the last generation to save it. We need to reach out and grab as many people as we can before they are 20, cause by that point its too late.

Hold on there. Don't give up on us old folk so soon. I was 22 before I got saved. True it may be harder, but not impossible.

You all are right, it is scary where this country is heading. Everyone is bound and determind to kick God out of our society. It is crazy. And it is even affecting the church itself. Our moral standards have slid down right with the worlds.
i am not saying that older people will not have an affect. but face it, teens will listen to teens before they listen to adults. and you know its true, plus my generation has had the hardest time living as Christians then anyother generation before us.
I hate to say it, but you guys are just a bit naive. Blasphemy has always been a way for certain types of individuals to assert their independence. Most have little understanding of what it is they do...which is even sadder.

It goes back to just about all ancient peoples. Many famous ancients were also quite prolific when it came to blasphemy and other cursing. It was considered a source of pride! (Sound familiar?)

Thinking about it, I'm only surprised it took this long. Seriously. So many people will do anything for attention.

I believe blasphemy is horrendously wrong. I also believe most who blaspheme do it for attention, and to prove that they aren't afraid of anything. (Sort of a sick, twisted machismo.) Stupid, yet true. The best thing we can do is respond with kindness and love; that shows them who God really is.

Easier said than done, though.
Hold on there. Don't give up on us old folk so soon. I was 22 before I got saved. True it may be harder, but not impossible.

You all are right, it is scary where this country is heading. Everyone is bound and determind to kick God out of our society. It is crazy. And it is even affecting the church itself. Our moral standards have slid down right with the worlds.

right, i didnt mean to say its too late, but by that time the chances of them becoming Christians cuts in half. It is possible just not easy.

btw my grandma was saved at like 50ish ;)
Sometimes it takes a long long time for people to see what's right in front of them. I have a few friends that aren't saved. They like the 'God owes me' argument.

Prayer and Trust in God's will, and His love are about there is to do sometimes.....oh...and Patience.
i hope that we dont have a long time though. if this is where America is headed i want to catch the one way cloud to Heaven. i can only hope, but i hope that God sends his son soon. that is why our generation must become vessels of God for his use. you alone can save no one. you didnt die on a cross a perfect man. we must allow ourselves to be lead and used by God to sweep up all that is possible before the time is over. we must sacrifice everything if we have to. i need my sleep, but at my birthday party my friend, who i had been witnessing to for a long time, woke me up at four in the morning. Lethargic i asked whats up? he said he wanted to be saved, IMMEDIATLY i perked up, overjoyed. i was dog tired the next day but i didnt care. we must all have that attitude.
If you haven't noticed, there's a move coming back into schools to re-insert morales to the children again. The only problem, they want to do it without the Bible. Funny how irony works. The old generation sees what the current generation acts like without God and the morals thereof, so they try and compromise and teach the new generation morals again without any base to say what's right and wrong.

And like Dea said, its nothing new.

@Rubber Ducky. You're right. We need to let ourselves be lead by God.

Do I think that Jesus is coming back soon? I think so. But so has every person who has studied the texts before me. :p Oh well. Can't let the imminent (or not so imminent) end times ruin our mission of spreading the gospel. Can't let it discourage us or bog us down or worry us.
Load of baloney! Ignore it. No scientific standing whatsoever. Even the archaeologist who found the thing ten years ago says that.

James Cameron is just desperate to get media attention.
See.....this is how it works:

If you don't believe in God....or anything really...

Then you HAVE to prove things like: Jesus didn't exists...or that He wasn't the Son of God, but just a man...nothing speacial.

Because if CAN'T prove God doesn't exits....well then.....what's left?

So they grasp at anything they can get a hold of and make a huge deal about the tiniest little thing. Like a box that has scratches on it that resemble the word Jesus......when it reality they are just scratches....and more so....Jesus wasn't the ONLY one with the name jesus.

The truth is they can't find what they are looking for because what they are out to find is not true.

God exists, Jesus Is His Son, and Our Savior.
God exists, Jesus Is His Son, and Our Savior.


faith FTW!

i think its kinda funny that the _____ government wont allow people to be on mount Siani (sp) for fear of proving the Bible right.

anyway, i dont think that we can ever prove God's exsitiance here on Earth except by following his Word and shining our light. Humans just cant comprehend God so theres no point in trying to find out.
am I the only person here that realizes that the past was just as bad as today?

we've gone nowhere.

besides, I think it's easier to LIVE as a christian here in america than back in the day in rome. it's much easier to die as a christian, then.

even now, look at the middle east. Africa. Christians are being persecuted and killed. and all we complain about is please. we have it so easy. conservative christians do hold a good sway over this nation.
you ever hear the left complain? it's like we own it.
we don't. obviously. but we have a presence that they can't stand.
there might be websites like that, but how many other websites are shining lights.
frankly, ladies and gentlemen, America is a safe haven for Christians.
am I the only person here that realizes that the past was just as bad as today?

we've gone nowhere.

besides, I think it's easier to LIVE as a christian here in america than back in the day in rome. it's much easier to die as a christian, then.

even now, look at the middle east. Africa. Christians are being persecuted and killed. and all we complain about is please. we have it so easy. conservative christians do hold a good sway over this nation.
you ever hear the left complain? it's like we own it.
we don't. obviously. but we have a presence that they can't stand.
there might be websites like that, but how many other websites are shining lights.
frankly, ladies and gentlemen, America is a safe haven for Christians.

Well said. And you know, the entire basis of America is based upon the idea that stuff like that can exist. It's not as popular as it may have been 50 or so years ago, but Christianity is still the dominant belief in this country.

Also, I believe the pengelum is swinging again. I read an article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday about kids with unreligious parents turning to religion. There's an amazing youth revival going on. (At least, that's what it appears to me.) Generation X is getting replaced.

def. that's what I've seen throughout history.
very cyclic. day to night and back to day.

it'll keeping going like that until the darkest night, then the 1000 year day.

and even inside each phase, when one area looks good, another isn't.
50's might be viewed as the golden age, but there was a lot of racism around.

there has been a kind of consistency among humans. we love and hate.
we're really sort of a paradox.
I guess that's what you get out of a fallen image of God.
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