How many ways to heaven?


New Member
I was reading the "In Search of the Spirtual" article by Jerry Alder on Newsweek's website. On page two the article notes the results of a pole conducted concerning the way to salvation. Here's an excerpt from the article.

"According to the NEWSWEEK/Beliefnet Poll, eight in 10 Americans—including 68 percent of evangelicals—believe that more than one faith can be a path to salvation..."

What shocked me about the results was not so much that four in five Americans believe there is more than one way to heaven, but nearly 70% of so-called "evangelicals" believe this as well.

I find this troubling because there is only one way to heaven. That may sound awfully arrogant to some, but it is the truth. This is made clear in Scripture.

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" (John 14:6 NIV)

What if Jesus didn't say that but still redeemed mankind? If there's more than one way to heaven, why does Jesus have to sacrafice Himself? What's the point? Isn't his sacrafice unnecessary?

If you believe there are other ways to heaven outside of Christ, then why witness? There are other ways to get to heaven, no need to bother with sharing the gospel, correct?

If you disagree, I'd be interested in reading your viewpoint.
"Jesus answered, 'I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" (John 14:6 NIV)

Just like it say...ONE!
I don't put too much stock in poll results, because the questions that pollsters ask are often slanted to one direction or another. In the poll above, the question may have been stated "Can you be intellectually certain that there is only one way to God?"

To prove my point, just a quick example... Most of the American polls about President Bush's handling of the war in Iraq come out around 40% approval. Doves take this to mean that 60% of Americans are against the war in Iraq. However, when presented with 3 options, 30% of Americans said we should pull out now, 40% said they approve of how it's being handled, and 30% said we should have MORE troops over there to do a more effective job and get home quicker. (I believe it was Zogby that ran the three option poll.) See how numbers can be skewed to make them say pretty much what you want them to?

As for my beliefs... one way, through Jesus' blood alone are we saved.
According to the NEWSWEEK/Beliefnet Poll, eight in 10 Americans—including 68 percent of evangelicals—believe that more than one faith can be a path to salvation..."

Yikes! That is scary. If that article is true, these evangelicals that took the poll should read the bible more. That is if they are more liberal minded, in which case throws up a red flag instantly.
According to the NEWSWEEK/Beliefnet Poll, eight in 10 Americans—including 68 percent of evangelicals—believe that more than one faith can be a path to salvation..."

If this article is true, it is scary indeed. For an evangelical to believe in more than one way to God, would be calling Jesus Christ a liar. And these that took the poll need to seriously step back, read the bible again and repent of this sin. Mostly likely they were liberal minded as most seem to stretch things, and attack God's Word like the ACLU.

No Compromise... great name you have there. There needs to be a lot less compromise on the part of Christians today.

End of off-topic

In regards to the article, this scripture came to my mind immediately:

If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain. (1 Timothy 6:3-5)
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Interesting concept, James. Let's play a little game.

I have just handed you supreme executive authority - do you outlaw the teaching of other faiths?
I will answer your question with a question...

If you spot a man trying to navigate a minefield, and you know that if he takes another step he will die, would you try to save him and tell him how to avoid the mines, or would you allow him to die in ignorance?
Ah, but in your hypothetical analogy, no one can actually see the minefield nor prove that it exists.

Now, while you are trying to explain to this man that he is about to step on an invisible mine that you couldn't prove exists to save your life, he is trying to listen to hundreds of other people trying to convince him that mines exist and that YOUR way of avoiding them is wrong.

Were I the man in the minefield, I would just shake my head and keep walking.
"According to the NEWSWEEK/Beliefnet Poll, eight in 10 Americans—including 68 percent of evangelicals—believe that more than one faith can be a path to salvation..."

What shocked me about the results was not so much that four in five Americans believe there is more than one way to heaven, but nearly 70% of so-called "evangelicals" believe this as well.

If you haven't heard, according to a recent poll by Master~Plan 74% of all statistics are made up.

I would just shake my head and keep walking
Thats an interesting approach, if hundreds of other people say the mines are in different places, you assume there are simply no mines at all?

What if James had a map? would that change anything?
Master~Plan said:
Thats an interesting approach, if hundreds of other people say the mines are in different places, you assume there are simply no mines at all?

If you can't prove to me that the mines exist, then why should I believe they do?

What if James had a map? would that change anything?

Not one bit, considering that hundreds of other people claim THEY are the ones with the correct map. Again, the map would be meaningless if no one could prove that the mines existed in the first place.

Why should I be worried about mines that can't be proven to exist?
If you can't prove to me that the mines exist, then why should I believe they do?
ok, I'm done with mines
So heres my observation. When I walk down the street I might happen to see a stoplight along the way. I see that the stoplight has a nifty 3 color code system, surrounded by sunlight blocking tubes, held up by an arm, supported by a sturdy body of metel etc etc. When I see it I don't say "thats a wierd looking tree" It doesn't take faith to see that there was a designer, and a builder of the stoplight. The simple design of the color codes and the structure permit me to understand some planning went into the process of the stoplight fabrication. The irony is that a tree is far more complex than a stoplight. Somehow I don't see the tree bieng any more feasable of making itself, than the stoplight is. The incredible design of this world is screaming evidence of the existence of God. From a cloud in the sky to a human eye.
whoever has ears let him hear
Not one bit, considering that hundreds of other people claim THEY are the ones with the correct map. Again, the map would be meaningless if no one could prove that the mines existed in the first place.

Why should I be worried about mines that can't be proven to exist?
uhg, I tried to submit a gynormous post in the christian absolutivity thread, but It froze after I hit preview... I wish it didn't...
how about this, pick out 3 other religions that you would consider to have just as much(or lack of, whatever) reason to listen to as Christianity. Yes I know there are lots, but I am only one man, and can only run through so many at a time. If you throw me one obscure one I have never heard of, I won't try and pretend to know what your talking about, so I'll probably have to side step it. So please don't go looking for Canadian badger cults with 100 members....

I'm not naive enough to expect anyone to turn around and see my way of things just from some posts on a forum. In the same way I wouldn't be surprised if you never get anything out of my posts, I know God to work on more of a personal level as theres more to comunication than ASCII characters. So take my opinion for what its worth. I'm pretty sure Ive posted my view on evidence for God on this forum before, so if I'm bieng redundant to you older posters, bear with me.
I'd love to hear you explain why Christianity is more truthful than Islam or Buddhism - those are the two main ones.

Seeing as neither of them make as extreme claims as Christianity and that Islam does this while all the while claiming some of the same history, this should be interesting. :)
It is all about the historical evidence. All I ask is for you to look into it with as much zeal as you do trying to discredit Christianity.
Master~Plan said:
ok, I'm done with mines
So heres my observation. When I walk down the street I might happen to see a stoplight along the way. I see that the stoplight has a nifty 3 color code system, surrounded by sunlight blocking tubes, held up by an arm, supported by a sturdy body of metel etc etc. When I see it I don't say "thats a wierd looking tree" It doesn't take faith to see that there was a designer, and a builder of the stoplight. The simple design of the color codes and the structure permit me to understand some planning went into the process of the stoplight fabrication. The irony is that a tree is far more complex than a stoplight. Somehow I don't see the tree bieng any more feasable of making itself, than the stoplight is. The incredible design of this world is screaming evidence of the existence of God. From a cloud in the sky to a human eye.
whoever has ears let him hear

Sorry, but that's not a very good analogy. We know who designed stop lights, we know WHY they were created, we know everything about them because WE created them, there is no mystery in them.

You way that this world screams DESIGN, but you fail to recognize the huge problem with the theory of intelligent design. If EVERYTHING requires a creator, then who created the creator? If complexity bemoans a creator, an extremely complex creator would also necessitate a creator. It's a little thing called infinite regression.

uhg, I tried to submit a gynormous post in the christian absolutivity thread, but It froze after I hit preview... I wish it didn't...
how about this, pick out 3 other religions that you would consider to have just as much(or lack of, whatever) reason to listen to as Christianity. Yes I know there are lots, but I am only one man, and can only run through so many at a time. If you throw me one obscure one I have never heard of, I won't try and pretend to know what your talking about, so I'll probably have to side step it. So please don't go looking for Canadian badger cults with 100 members....

LOL, now you have me interested in Canadian badger cults. This is a much harder request than you may realize. What do you mean by "as much reason"? I've studied many religions, on my own time and in college and I'm an Atheist. What does THAT tell you? Since YOU are the theist here, why don't you tell me why you didn't choose another religion? I think that's a better question. When you answer that question, keep this Stephen Roberts quote in mind, "I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other gods you will understand why I dismiss yours."

I'm not naive enough to expect anyone to turn around and see my way of things just from some posts on a forum. In the same way I wouldn't be surprised if you never get anything out of my posts, I know God to work on more of a personal level as theres more to comunication than ASCII characters. So take my opinion for what its worth. I'm pretty sure Ive posted my view on evidence for God on this forum before, so if I'm bieng redundant to you older posters, bear with me.

I would LOVE to hear your evidence for God. Considering that no one in history has been able to provide it before, you should really share yours. Yes, sorry, that was a WEE bit sarcastic. But the problem I have when I hear remarks like that is that most people don't have a very good understanding of the terms EVIDENCE, PROOF, or REASON.
kevman4christ said:
It is all about the historical evidence. All I ask is for you to look into it with as much zeal as you do trying to discredit Christianity.

Historical evidence of what?

Kevman, honestly, have you looked into other religions as in depth as you have Christianity? Did you do so as a Christian? Was it a truly objective search?