How fast is your internet?

i'll have to do that when i get back to the house. i have a 4.2mb line which is lame cuz im use to a 6.5mb in seattle.
in a dorm they crack down on the upload so gamers dont tie up the internet along with p2p sharing

I don't believe the results are accurate, though. I got over 3 megaBYTES per second when downloading the Crysis demo (using GetRight and segmented downloading).

Screenshot or it didn't happen, right? Well, here's the proof.
ur link doesnt work. it didt happen

seems accurate, i like a little better though

I don't believe the results are accurate, though. I got over 3 megaBYTES per second when downloading the Crysis demo (using GetRight and segmented downloading).

Screenshot or it didn't happen, right? Well, here's the proof.

Ive gotten over 15MB/sec on campus before, usually the campus will limit per connection speeds based on the load on the network, if you were throttled you would easily get 30+MB/sec.
Hmmm, Heres mine:

I ran a test to see what the speed is from near Seattle to Moscow.

I also found this somewhat funny in my city:

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Oop, sorry about that busted link.

Here ya go:

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