How can you see, when all you know is...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
A] Noone after AD 33 can ever have met Jesus. God does not exist in physical form, so I cannot meet Him, and ditto for the Holy Spirit.
Well, we don't know the actually year Jesus died, as He was actually born about 3 years before AD 1.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]How can the Holy Spirit be one's conscience when people who reject or haven't even heard of the Holy Spirit have a conscience?
He doesn't have to be inside you to tell you. He could whisper it in your ear, or something like that. I think it's much like Satan tempts you, except He's telling you to do good.
Are you saying that the conscience of people who haven't accepted the Holy Spirit is really something that floats alongside of them and whispers their ears?

Is that what the conscience of an atheist is? Was that how the Ancient Greek conscience operated?
The Holy Spirit is God, and God is everywhere. So I wouldn't find that hard to believe.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
Is that what the conscience of an atheist is? Was that how the Ancient Greek conscience operated?
If that is how God operates, ( for lack of a better term ) then yes.
Then if the conscience works in that way, what's going on with people who have defective consciences? I don't mean people who choose to do something they know is wrong, but people who are unable to distinguish between right and wrong.
A few thoughts that have gone through this messed up head of mine.

If he is a spirit y how come we are made in his own image. And y do we refer to god as him if god gave us life and he gave women the ability to give life, shouldn't he be a she.

What if men were created after girls because eve was lonely not the other way around. It would make more sence. Maybe because men are precieved to be the better sex back in the day they wrote adam first.

Or is god really 2 people man and women that would make more sence with the make us in his own image. And who created god. If we are in his image wouldn't he be created by someone else.

What if we are just an ant farm and the little boy thats looking over us is god. But he's in a house and looking over that is his god.

What if god is really from a planet far away from ours and they found a way to create life and some people from their planet go off to different galaxies and create life in their image and watch over them as children and every 50 years say another person takes over in the looking after of that planet. What if our planet is just like in star trek a place where they used that genicis project machine to create us but instead of inhabiting the planet they created life in their image but say genetically different, lets say a test to see how we evolve and if we turn in to a utopian(I can't spell) civilisation they save the program that they used on ours and use it on another and if it doesn't work they take what works and use it, and try something different.

Gosh darn it I lost my train of thought y do people pphone at the wrong time. Ok I'll make this quick since I have alcohol to consume.

And when did the dinosaurs die.

What if the dino's were on earth and the whole astroid thing happened and then the aliens came to do the Genicis project on the planet and thats y we have fossels.
And what if they tried it on mars first but it became this whole resident evil thing so they destroid everything on the planet.

What if their civilization was on Mars first but there was an astroid coming towards their planet so they left their planet and started colonies on many different planets including earth.

Is there a Planet of the Apes.

What if star trek is really a reality program

Did I forget to take my medication. Actually yes hold on..

ok I'm back

Did a UFO crash in Roswell

Does the backstep broject exist.

If people learn to use 50% of their mind will they be able to fly.

What if we are in the Matrix.
What pill would u pick.
Is Keano Reaves really Neo. The One.
Isn't it cool that he's Canadian.

If Great Britan was I guess u can say the most Dominant Country in the past and its America right now. What if 20 years from now Canada will rule the world. And put a end to Lite Beer.

Here's some interestin facts that I read about Osirus.


Had well over 200 divine names, including Lord of Lords, King of Kings, God of Gods, Resurrection and the Life, Good Shepherd, Eternity and Everlastingness, the god who "made men and women to be born again."
Coming was announced by Three Wise Men: the three stars Mintaka, Anilam, and Alnitak in the belt of Orion, which point directly to Osiris' star in the east, Sirius, significator of his birth

Was a devoured Host. His flesh was eaten in the form of communion cakes of wheat, the 'plant of Truth'.

The 23rd Pslam copied an Egyptian text appealing to Osiris the Good Shepherd to lead the deceased to the 'green pastures' and 'still waters' of the nefer-nefer land, to restore the soul and body, and to give protection in the valley of the shadow of death...

The Lord's Prayer was prefigured by an Egyptian hymn to Osiris-Amen beginning, 'O Amen, O Amen, who are in heaven. Amen was also invoked at the end of every prayer.

The teachings of Osiris and Jesus are wonderfully alike. Many passages are identically the same, word for word.

As the god of the vine, a great travelling teacher who civilized the world. Ruler and judge of the dead.

In his passion, Osiris was plotted against and killed by Set and "the 72."
Osiris' resurrection served to provide hope to all that they may do likewise and become eternal.

I still trying to figure out whats what.

Romans 14:21
It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.

Should chritians be vegiterians. And if u eat meat is it a sin.

Exodus 33:20
"...But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live."
Does that mean Home died after talking to god. sry I had to it sounded funny in my head. DOH!!

Ok my head hurts now so going to drink. mmm Beer DOH!!!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If he is a spirit y how come we are made in his own image. And y do we refer to god as him if god gave us life and he gave women the ability to give life, shouldn't he be a she.

God created life, not procreated it. Man requires male and female to procreate life.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Or is god really 2 people man and women that would make more sence with the make us in his own image.

No, the bible clearly states that God is not "man" or "woman". God is God and not of, and not requiring to be of, any particular sex.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] And who created god. If we are in his image wouldn't he be created by someone else.

Given our finite and limited minds we can't comprehend that God exists in eterinty, outside time and space. God does not have a creator.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]And when did the dinosaurs die.

During or shortly after the flood.
"Whoever sheds the blood of man,
by man shall his blood be shed;
for in the image of God
has God made man.

So we were made in his image but he was neither man or woman.
Our image likely refers to such qualities as reason, personality, and intellect, and to the capacity to relate, to hear, to see, and to speak. All of these are characteristics of God, which He chose to reproduce in mankind.

The original hebrew word: tselem. Unlike English words, Hebrew words are often much more refined. In English, image is often used to describe an exact replica. Where as the Hebrew word, tselem means "to shade, a phantom, a representative figure." None of which means an exact replica and none of the meanings point to a "physical" similiarity.

Taking the verse into context, we can safely safe that God did not create our physical image in replica, rather, our qualities, our essenece, our spirit.
I've taken into consideration the context, the meanings of the original wording and the bible as a whole. This is something I have grabbled with in the past and have prayed for guidance on. If one had to use the word "guess" (which, for the record, I wouldn't use), then an Integellent or Informed Guess would be a better description. I am not throwing this out on pure whimsy and luck with the hopes that I am right or at least somewhat close to being right.

I am confident that my answer fairly reflects the intent of the passage.
but in the end u're going in to it on faith, since your not fully sure that the bible is real.

I remember Bill Mare from Politically Incorrect said. The Bible is book of fairy tales, the stories might not be real, u just take the meaning out of each story. He said if I gave the bible to a a little kid and told them it was a story book they would look at it as just made up stories. And If I gave a book of fairy tales to the kid and tole her it was the Bible and everything in it was true she would grow up believeing everything in the book is true.
And he's alittle like me we were both raised catholic but questione everything. And we both believe there is probobly a god out there, at least I think I do. I'm just not sure which one I believe. Its weird I question stuff and am alittle confused sometimes wether I believe in god or not and what religion I should be but in the end when I have a bad dream I always end up grabbing by rosery from under my pillow(thank u to the lady who came to my hospital bed and gave it to me. She makes roseries and gives them away. Which is pretty cool.), and for some reason I feel better and go back to sleep. I'm not sure if its my mind telling me I'm safe because I've been doing it since I was 10 or faith. There u go another question.
For some reason for every answer I get, I have a nother question. Its my curse.

Your actually alot cooler when my cousin went to a youth group and started askin alot of questions the group leaded told him, maybe he should look at other religion. So thanks I hope u don't get annoyed with my endless questioning.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]but in the end u're going in to it on faith, since your not fully sure that the bible is real.

I have no doubt in the authenticity of the bible. I never said I that I did. What I do question about the bible is how to interpret some of the verses. This is not a questioning of the bible, rather it is a lack of confidence on some of the verse. And the only way to get over that hurdle is to study that topic further.

You appear to be very hungry for answers Joseph. And the reality is, you will not find your answer amongst us. Not to say I don't like answering your questions, I enjoy answering genuine question or pointing people towards other resources to help them grow. Like a growing and maturing Chrisitians, our Lord has revealed much to me. And what is revealed to a person can not be taught. I can teach you knowledge, but I can not teach you wisdom, experience or understanding.

In the end, your quest must turn to God. God promises that all who genuinely seek his kingdom will find it.
do u lack confidence in some of the verses because they were written by men, and we have a way of exagerating stuff.

Like I always thought the wedding where jesus made wine was actually his wedding. It makes more sence to me that he would marry, because in the old days u wouldn't hug a man if he wasn't your farther or your husband yet mary magdelin huged him. And to me it would make more sence if they were married because it would make him mre real. And when Jesus was resurected the first person he saw was mary.
Also if u look at the pic of the last supper who is seated directly to the left(his right) of jesus if u look really close its a woman not a man.
Could there be jealousy towards mary being the favorite that they left her out of the bible to seem more important. Or am I questioning things to much
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]do u lack confidence in some of the verses because they were written by men, and we have a way of exagerating stuff.

No. I lack confidence because I am human and have a tendancy to doubt.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]because in the old days u wouldn't hug a man if he wasn't your farther or your husband yet mary magdelin huged him

What is your source for this? Many people hugged and touched Jesus, men included. Jewish tradition has always been afectionate. All the Jews I know touch and hug each other.

And the painting of the last supper is a painting and not scripture.

Its not that you are questioning things too much, but maybe you are questioning the wrong things, like the painting.
Well if the people that wrote it were human to and their not perfect.

Well I got it from that bible show they used to show on A&E mystries of the bible where they had catholic priests, christian pastors, teachers and history buffs discussing the life of Jesus Christ. I still want to know where jesus went between the age of 18 and 30, because they were saying that, they found a painting at a budist temple that was painted around that time that shows a man from the east studying with the monks. Interesting right. Sry I have a tendincy of reading and listening to everyones perspective and try to figure out what happened.
Have u read the book The Da Vinci Code. Its an interesting book. It talks about the secret list they found in the French Library about a secret order. And Da Vinci was a member. And how through the generations they would pass the secrets about mary and jesus, but in the middle ages any thing said against what is written in the bible is heiracy so because he couldn't say it he painted it in his famous painting. The thing is I stared at it for a long time and it looks like a girl but for some reason my priest disagrees with it even though u can see it very clearly. He says it can't be.
I want to be a part of a secret order, illuminati if u're out there I want to join.:)
Of cource the book also says that The holy grail was not a metal or gold goblet but instead the chalice was actually Mary Mag. since she was the wife of Jesus.
The catholic church didn't approve of the book but it was a good read.