
Keero, you gotta rent it and tell meh how it is :D
I am interested in the MP only. The overuse of the F word in SP turns me off of SP in games....
Mp is sweet enjoy it allot for the PC as for the PS3 couldn't tell ya how it plays. As for SP it has way to much bad language.
Getting it on Xbx360 on Thurs. I'll try to remember to let you guys know how it is.
I'm playing it on xbox, gamertag is erikkennedy777. multiplayer is fun. dedicated servers are awesome and make me no longer want to put up with hosted games, tried crysis 2 multiplayer and the game hosting was the worst ive seen in awhile, i wanted to love it but i got tired of some games pouring bullets into people only to have them turn around and laugh me to death. I won't play another COD game if they won't take some of all that cash they are making off of us and use their own servers to host games. Battlefield 3 though, I will try that no matter what. BC2 was the funnest multiplayer to date imo.
Have a seat then, make sure you take your time ordering we cant have a unhappy customer now!! Also make sure you smile through the glass window at me BANG-----> hehehehe Gotcha :p