

New Member
After spending the last half month in Asmodae ... I think I'm coming back to you guys. Building a group over there is like ... crazy hard. The servers are empty, and the legion I was in started falling apart. And I like you guys ^^. So .. I might reroll as an SM? I really like that class.

But I'm still not sure yet >_O. It takes me so long to build up characters because of school and such...
I'll be on most of today between cooking for tomorrow and going to Thanksgiving Eve Service. I'll be AFK, but I'll check in every half hour. I tried adding all the leaders yesterday ... no one was on. =(
Hi Kat,

Glad to have you back. I'll be on tonight. Just trying to get a few things organized in here 1st.
Someone was faster than you =P. I won't be on tonight. I just got home from Thanksgiving Eve service, and I went on a date with my best friend before that. Way too tired to play =/. But I might pop on tomorrow? Maybe.