Hi Redeemed!


New Member
Just wanted to say thanks for letting me be a part of this awesome group!

Just some background, I am married with 4 children, who all love The Lord. I have been playing WOW since Feb 2006. I got involved when a friend of my wife who got saved and on fire in the last year, said her husband plays and it would be a great way to get to know, and get something in common with him.
It turns out his sons both play, and one of the sons wives. My nephew who is living with us until Jan also decided to start playing.

I will tell you that I could not have volume on the vent with them, woof the language was a little "ripe". I have a 53 Warrior there, and my nephew has a 60 Warlock. That server is Twisted Nether.

Having played other online Multi player games, America's Army. I said wouldnt it be great to be in a Christian guild! So I started checking and found this and saw that you have Bible studies "in game"...that sounds like a blast.

My WOW name on Stonemaul is "seventh", rolled a Pally :) got him to level 12 so far. I am still pretty much a nub on WOW but its really alot of fun.

Thanks for listenin' ;)
Glad to have you with us! Hope you enjoy our awesome guild and its members. If you need anything feel free to ask!