Hi, I'm new - got a question


New Member
Hi, I'm a 27 year old Norwegian guy.

I play WoW on Lightbringer server, but alas, I don't know anyone. I joined a guild, but it wasn't for me.. I've had a look at this site earlier and I felt it was a good idea to try and hook up with other Christian gamers.

My question is: Are you on Europe - if not, then do you know of any Christian guilds over here?


No in Europe sorry...

And i don't know about the european servers at all....

I think our sponsor Tribe of Judah has a couple of Europeans. Check out www.toj.cc
I think our sponsor Tribe of Judah [...]
/poke Icthus

I know it's just a matter of semantics, but I did want to point out that Redeemed is part of--not sponsored by--Tribe of Judah. Redeemed and Mustard Seed Conspiracy (our Horde guild on the Cenarius realm) are both part of Tribe of Judah's World of Warcraft chapter.


Welcome to the forums, Bjorn (or is it Björn?)! As Icthus said, we don't have any guilds on European servers, but there are several Tribe of Judah members in Europe. The leader of our new EVE Online chapter lives in Sweden--and has the same first name!
Hej Björn

Saw your post today.
Well first Im not playing WoW. But Im a Christian gamer from sweden (mostly DoD, BF2) and I knew a few more. Ive tried to create something European, like a ToJ-chapter in Europe or ....
Are u interested to do something like that?
Mail me at joey AT friends DOT gameclan DOT nu (to avoid spam ;) )

Saw your post today.
Well first Im not playing WoW. But Im a Christian gamer from sweden (mostly DoD, BF2) and I knew a few more. Ive tried to create something European, like a ToJ-chapter in Europe or ....
Are u interested to do something like that?
Mail me at joey AT friends DOT gameclan DOT nu (to avoid spam ;) )

It's been a while since we closed down our Day of Defeat sub-chapter, but our Battlefield Series chapter is still active with a forum here.

On the point of a European section: While Tribe of Judah is an international organization, the bulk of our members live in the US and Canada. I hope to expand Tribe of Judah's presence in other areas of the world, and I'll need help to do it. If you're interested in helping Tribe of Judah expand to other countries, please send me a PM and we'll chat.

Moderators: Contact me if you'd like to move this thread to the ToJ General Discussion forum.
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