if you feel convicted then stop it! That is your spirit telling stop! If you have any type of convictions they lord wants you to stop and pay attention to him! If you know it is wrong to kill someone would you still do it? Why take this lighter the killing someone! It is all the same! these are some scriptures about it::
GEN 4:13 Cain said to the LORD, "My punishment is more than I can bear.
DEU 28:65 Among those nations you will find no repose, no resting place
for the sole of your foot. There the LORD will give you an anxious mind,
eyes weary with longing, and a despairing heart.
66 You will live in constant suspense, filled with dread both night and
day, never sure of your life.
67 In the morning you will say, "If only it were evening!" and in the
evening, "If only it were morning!"--because of the terror that will fill
your hearts and the sights that your eyes will see.
JOB 40:4 "I am unworthy--how can I reply to you? I put my hand over my
5 I spoke once, but I have no answer-- twice, but I will say no more."
PSA 31:10 My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning; my
strength fails because of my affliction, and my bones grow weak.
38:1 O LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your
2 For your arrows have pierced me, and your hand has come down upon me.
3 Because of your wrath there is no health in my body; my bones have no
soundness because of my sin.
4 My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear.
5 My wounds fester and are loathsome because of my sinful folly.
6 I am bowed down and brought very low; all day long I go about mourning.
7 My back is filled with searing pain; there is no health in my body.
8 I am feeble and utterly crushed; I groan in anguish of heart.
9 All my longings lie open before you, O Lord; my sighing is not hidden
from you.
10 My heart pounds, my strength fails me; even the light has gone from my
11 My friends and companions avoid me because of my wounds; my neighbors
stay far away.
12 Those who seek my life set their traps, those who would harm me talk of
my ruin; all day long they plot deception.
13 I am like a deaf man, who cannot hear, like a mute, who cannot open his
14 I have become like a man who does not hear, whose mouth can offer no
15 I wait for you, O LORD; you will answer, O Lord my God.
16 For I said, "Do not let them gloat or exalt themselves over me when my
foot slips."
17 For I am about to fall, and my pain is ever with me.
18 I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin.
19 Many are those who are my vigorous enemies; those who hate me without
reason are numerous.
20 Those who repay my good with evil slander me when I pursue what is
21 O LORD, do not forsake me; be not far from me, O my God.
22 Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior.
51:1 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according
to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.
3 For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.
4 Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your
sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you
7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be
whiter than snow.
8 Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
9 Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within
11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit,
to sustain me.
13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back
to you.
14 Save me from bloodguilt, O God, the God who saves me, and my tongue
will sing of your righteousness.
15 O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.
16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take
pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.
ISA 6:5 "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean
lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the
King, the LORD Almighty."
LAM 1:20 "See, O LORD, how distressed I am! I am in torment within, and in
my heart I am disturbed, for I have been most rebellious. Outside, the
sword bereaves; inside, there is only death.
EZE 7:16 All who survive and escape will be in the mountains, moaning like
doves of the valleys, each because of his sins.
17 Every hand will go limp, and every knee will become as weak as water.
18 They will put on sackcloth and be clothed with terror. Their faces will
be covered with shame and their heads will be shaved.
25 When terror comes, they will seek peace, but there will be none.
26 Calamity upon calamity will come, and rumor upon rumor. They will try
to get a vision from the prophet; the teaching of the law by the priest
will be lost, as will the counsel of the elders.
33:10 "Son of man, say to the house of Israel, 'This is what you are
saying: "Our offenses and sins weigh us down, and we are wasting away
because of them. How then can we live?"'
MIC 7:17 They will lick dust like a snake, like creatures that crawl on
the ground. They will come trembling out of their dens; they will turn in
fear to the LORD our God and will be afraid of you.
LUK 5:8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go
away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!"
ACT 2:37 When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said
to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?"
9:6 "Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must
16:29 The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before
Paul and Silas.
ROM 2:15 since they show that the requirements of the law are written on
their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts
now accusing, now even defending them.)
1CO 14:24 But if an unbeliever or someone who does not understand comes in
while everybody is prophesying, he will be convinced by all that he is a
sinner and will be judged by all,
25 and the secrets of his heart will be laid bare. So he will fall down
and worship God, exclaiming, "God is really among you!"