Hey everyone


New Member
Hello there!

My name is Charlie, and I look foreward to lots of great games with you guys! I've had ALOT of gaming experiance, I've been playing Guildwars for a little over a year now, but before that, I was a proffesional FPS player, mostly CS and Day of Defeat. Now, I stick mostly to instructing and I'm not an active player anymore. I spend a bit of time on Guildwars every week and I've been looking for a good Christian guild. I found you guys via a post made on some fan forums with an ad for the guild. I read the description and it kind of blew my mind as it was something I have been looking for, for awhile.

Aside from that I look foreward to getting to know everyone, and having a good time! See you all ingame :)
WELCOME!! Glad to have you! If you ever need anything post it ih here or put a shout out in the Alliance Chat!

Welcome to the guild. You'll find that we're quite friendly even if you really DO have a mullet. I mean, it's not like we'll even know anyway, right? :D

Just post on alliance or guild if you have any questions.

ohh goody we have advertisement now! was their a chicken on that ad?

anyway glad to have you aboard!

EDIT:!!! 1000th post!!! it should be WOOO!
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Hey, thanks for the warm welcome guys!

No, unfortunatly for you guys, I do not have a mullet. ..Or do I? ;)

Just to let you all know, I have run in to a couple unforseen things, I should be able to get back into normal gaming hours this weekend and next week. But this week looks a little crammed. I'll try and get on as soon as possible!