here some funny pictures


New Member
Got Coamenel when he was afk, lol




whoa...coamenel has gotten himself some nice gear there. Hm...Soulforge, Lightforge, chitinous plate leggings...eek he already outgears me lol.

Ah man, I feel like a old, worn-out pally...been away from the world for years in battle, returning beaten and worn-down...
you feel outdated azzie?
im wondering if ill have good enough gear to stay in the guild when i get back online.....
Pally FTW! lol I always knew that chaoshammer was a sneeky one. Its okay Azzie I am sure you would destroy me one on one and thats really all that matters, right?
Cammandus said:
you feel outdated azzie?
im wondering if ill have good enough gear to stay in the guild when i get back online.....

When you get back, we'd be happy to do gear runs for you.
Since when did you need gear to be in the guild silly...we love ya the way you are :-) but if you want more gear...we will help ya too!