

It looks like the Men's Club didn't take off as well as I had hoped, so I come here to place my request. I need some advice, so any married Christian men out there please email me if you can help and I'll share the issue with you and ask for help. Thanks so much!
I tried a couple of times going into the Men's Club but was unsuccessful as it is password protected. I don't know anything about it nor have I seen any information on it. Since I had no idea what it was I never really made any inquiries into it. You may simply have an awareness problem.
Originally the Men's Club was designed for the Christian men of our guild. It was a place to share and discuss problems being a Christian husband/single guy/or male. Like if someone was having problems with temptation, or having problems with their wife, or even just needing prayers, it was a private place for the men to share their hearts and problems, to fellowship, pray, and support each other.

When I created it, I had password protected it so that the men posting their could feel comfortable that his deepest problem would not be seen by just anybody, but by the special few Christian men that he knew and trusted.

But I don't know if it ever received a lot of interest or not from it. If it is an idea that appeals to some of you, we can always give it another go.