Help... I need somebody, Help... not just anybody...


on to something new...
Hey all...

You know I was looking at my characters the other day, and it hit me... I haven't seen the end of prophecies...


If anyone, including our alliance buddies, if your reading, can someone help me get to the end of Prophecies??? Henchmen don't cut it...

Thanks. :D
I'd like to go on this end of prophecies run too..:) Although i think i need to do a few more things..not sure..:)
Look me up ingame. Obsidian Magebane or Legolas Magebane. I'll probably be on the latter, but Obsidian has beaten Prophecies and I'll be happy to tank it for you. :) I'll be on today (Sunday) most likely unless I collapse after church.

Lemme know.
just tell me when you are going to be on and ill be more then happy to help you ;)
so how are you all doing!
Hey I haven't been on here in a while, so if u still need help i haven a char on there that has beaten it, he is a necro/any eccept Sin and rit, so his name is Pwner Hood so if i am on I'll be happy to help, although i havent been here in a while, so...