help!help! ; )


New Member
Tryed To get an invite a little bit ago before the server went down. Did /who redeemed. Four people came up. Then I sent a tell to all four asking who could invite with no responce. Dont know if /tell is bugged or everyone was afk? Who should I look for, can all memebers invite or just some? Maybe I should get on vent and ask? Am not sure. About to go to dinner will be back on latter tonight will check back up on this thread to see if any one has any Advise. :)
Yeah, try vent. About 80% of the guild can invite, so just ask and they'll help ya. :D
I had the same problem when I tried to join. I think that people in vent close their chat windows or something. None of them even saw that I sent them a tell.
Well that could work, but when I am in game, I can't use my PTT.

Do you have Vista? If so ... go into the Vent properties (right-click on it in windows) and you'll eventually on one of the tabs see a check box that says "run as administrator." Click that and it'll enable the PTT from within game. I ran into this earlier.
It's fairly common occurance that folks in vent tend to not look at the chat window a whole lot. Plus, it they were in RVR, that window scrolls so fast you will only see someone say something if you are watching.

Vent would probably work best, however, you should add everyone to your friends list anyway ( you get an achievement!!). It'll let you know when one of em logs on and you can catch em before they get too caught up in anything to read the chat.
Ya, this was before I got into the guild. I couldn't get into vent, because I was to lazy to register on the war website, to get the vent info. I miss my wow addon that made a noise when I got a tell. It also kept track of tells and you were able to go up to the bar and read your missed tells.