Hello Redeemed


New Member
Good Morning Saints,

After having my first attempt at joining the forums rejected (I knew that fleeing an officer charge I got a 17 would catch up to me), it appears this one is going to go through. Since I am now able to post, I wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Shawn Duncan. I live in Lewisville, Texas. I work for Dell as a field storage engineer. In case you are wondering what that entails, I install SANs (Storage Area Networks) at Dell customer sites in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, New Mexico and Colorado.

I am married. My wife is Bonifacia Alvarado Duncan. Boy did I mess her name with Duncan but she doesn't seem to mind. She works for Dell also. We have 2 children, a boy and a girl which you might sometimes here screaming in the background while I'm in vent or her screaming at them. It's usually one or the other. :D Bonnie (which she goes by so you don't have to figure out how to pronounce Bonifacia) lives in Pflugerville at the moment in our house which we are trying to sale so she can move up to Lewisville.

I grew up in a Christian family and accepted the Lord at 9 years old. My parents love the Lord and as such I was in church at every opportunity. Sunday morning and evening, Wednesday evening and usually a bible study at someone's house during the week also. My parents were nondenominational. As such most of the church I attended was not traditional and usually involved getting there at 9 AM and not leaving to 1 to 2 PM. The word was taught though and the Spirit moved.

Since I grew up learning more of the meat of the word I find it hard to find a church I enjoy these days. I find most churches just give milk and I feel like Paul writing to the Hebrews when he said "In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness." Whether this is because the congregation needs milk or the pastor never moved beyond it is unknown, either way I find these churches terribly boring.

When it comes to gaming, I have played MMORPGs for almost 8 years now. I started with EQ then moved on to DAoC when it came out. Since then I've played AC2, SWG, EQ2, and WoW. I was in a guild leader in DAoC and in raiding guilds in EQ, EQ2 and WoW. In WoW we made it all the way to Illidian which was quite fun. The name Zandaris, my main, I've used even before EQ in an old MUD I used to play so it has been with me for quite sometime. He has always been a caster of some sort and probably always will be. My other characters include Poisonlily, Cognas, Varimos, Valdimere, Aziron, Zahira, Zechar, Elezar and last but certainly not least Bonifacia ( I don't know where I got that name from). Interesting enough Cognas has been with me since EQ and Poisonlily since DAoC.

My wife's main character is Sidonia which she's had since EQ2. She has some others which I can't think of at the moment. Which means I'll probably get in trouble for not remembering them. :p

It's good to be with you guys and I hope to be here a long time as games come and go. I am looking forward to doing some keep/city raids with you guys and discussing the word of God. I will see you all in game.

Love Always in our Lord Christ Jesus,
aka - Zandaris
It is awesome to have yall with us. We look forward to getting to know you both. If you ever see Shebaely and/or Samsomite on, or one of our other toons that start with She and Sam, please feel free to join us. Good to see another couple playing the game.
Welcome to Redeemed. This guild has more married couples than I have ever seen before in my enitre MMO "career". God Bless and I will see you in game!