Hello Guild Wars Gurus!


New Member
Within a few days I will be getting the original Guild Wars game from a friend to try out as he never liked it. (Can't argue with a free game, right?) From what I've seen here, there a few people that are actively playing.

So I was wondering if there is a particular class that you regular players are low on? If I'm going to try the game out, I may as well play something that may be beneficial for the group in case I end up liking the game. :) I do have one disclaimer though, I've never been successful playing mage or rogue style classes, but I could give anything else a go. Hmmm, I just realized that I have no idea what classes are even in the original Guild Wars game, haha. I'll find out soon!

Also, what times do people play? I would primarily be able to play on some weeknights after 8pm central time with some Saturday and Sunday evenings tossed in.

I am starting out fresh as well for the most part. Actually, I have been back into GW for about a month now off and on. Right now I have a Lvl 8 Monk, and I would be glad to quest with you if you would like...although I am post-sear so you would have to get through the first hr or so before entering post-sear. :) Sorry if that is a bit confusing. Anyways, as for play times, I am on mainly weekends and weeknights at least after 8 EST or more 9 most nights. Also if you would like, I could roll a fresh new character as well, to help out if needs be. Just let me know, I don't mind.
At the risk of sounding like a know-it-all, and endangering my permanewb status, I would say play what you are most comfortable with. A lot of us in this guild have several characters of different classes and can welcome any class you find fun to play. Just a couple of notes, a Mesmer can be a very difficult class to play in the early stages, but it has the potential to be a very powerful class once it is learned well. A Monk will get many invites to join a player user group outside the guild, but they have a tendency to take a lot of verbal abuse from people in the pug who feel they are the most important member of the pug and feel they should have been resurrected or healed first. The monk can do many things besides heal too, a smiter can be a ball to play. What is just as important as Primary class is what you choose for secondary. And there ten bazillion opinions on that one, just make sure it is one that FOR YOU complements the Primary. Also much later in the game it is possible to change the secondary. Do not rule out the Elementalist(mage) class, or the Ranger(rogue?), they have unique and unusual abilities in GW. You can always try one, and if you don't like it just reroll the character. Now to go back to hiding in the corner. Just remember this is only one opinion among many.
I think you'll be in for a bit of surprise with GW. With the expansions Factions and Nightfall, it can take only a good weekend before a character hits the level cap, and not much beyond that to have a character that is beneficial to any group. So it's not like most other games where a given group is always in need of something like healers or tanks -especially with addition of heroes.

Play what seems most interesting, I think the original classes are: Elementalist, Necromancer, Mesmer, Monk, Warrior, Ranger.

Elementalists are your traditional mages,
Necromancers are... I can't think of any class outside of GW to compare them to. They are casters, mostly debuff/DoTs, and can create an army of undead minions.
Mesmers are also don't have a good comparision to any other class outside of GW. They focus on interrupts, shutdowns, DoT, and can cause an unattentive PvPer to kill themselves.
Monk Traditional healer, though they can also buff/negate damage, and can do some serious damage with smite builds.
Warrior Traditional tank. Though quite a bit different feel, and can do crazy damage with the rest of them.
Ranger Traditional ranged class. Less emphasis on pets than other games.

Two very interesting things about GW: Each character has a primary profession and a secondary profession. This allows people to mix and match skills. A great example would be an Elementalist/Mesmer. Mesmers have an ability called Arcane Echo which allows a skill to essentially be used twice, so if I have that skill on my bar I can cast a useful skill twice in a row to devastating effect. Another good and useful (but generally frowned upon by the GW Community as 'newbish') is the Warrior/Monk (aka, Wammo). A warrior can throw on a couple healing skills and be fairly self sufficient as far as healing goes.

The second most interesting thing is skills and attributes. Any time you are in a town/outpost, you can change these up at no cost. So if you find something that doesn't work, swap things around until it does and never feel as though you are stuck with any kind of build. If you don't like your secondary profession, you can even change that (you will pay for that though. But you can swap between any secondary profession you have purchased in towns and outposts).

Anyway, hopefully that helps. GL and HF.
Welcome to Guild Wars! My main character is an Elementalist (Mage). I started other characters, but Elementalist is what I'm most comfortable playing. We don't seem to have a lot of people playing a Necro, but maybe that's just my perception. Monks are always welcome! We did an elite mission a couple of weekends ago but didn't have a human Monk, so we failed miserably. The Hero Monk stinketh. It's like the others have said, however, play what you would like to play.

I see that Luvdiscgolf is also your Tribe of Judah name so let us know the name of the GW character you create and we'll get you invited to the guild.
If you do end up liking the game you can currently get three of the games for half off ($19.99) on steam here. I don't know when the sale ends though it's been going a while.
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My buddy couldn't find his copy of Guild Wars, but the good news is that Friday was payday and I was able to allocate enough cash to get the Trilogy downloaded from Steam. I now have a level 5 Paragon named: Fidoc Truevirtue

I'm not sure what my schedule is this weekend outside of working Saturday morning/afternoon, but hopefully I'll get a chance to hook up with you guys soon!