Healing, car repairs, and sanity

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Greetings, all.

It is now 2AM on Monday morning, so I'll keep this brief. My spring break travels did not go as planned.

Thursday evening and Friday morning, I felt awful and nearly canceled my weekend trip to Tulsa. I decided to pack up and drive to Springfield Friday evening and drive on to Tulsa Saturday morning. While driving I-44 West from Springfield to Tulsa, I hit a piece of debris that punctured my gas tank. The debris looked like a black metal rectangle and may have come off of the semi in front of me. If I had swerved to the right, I would have hit the car next to me. If I had slammed on the brakes, I would have been rear-ended.

After pulling off to the side of the road, I called AAA, my parents, and my wife. A state trooper came by, checked on me, and continued on a few minutes before the AAA tow truck came out. I then had my car towed 128 miles to Tulsa.

I arrived in Tulsa late Saturday afternoon and have been fighting against this nasty cold ever since. I did get to spend time with some of my friends here in Tulsa, but I'm still fighting off illness.

Since the gas tank was damaged so severely, the auto shop will need to replace the unit. I had originally planned to drive back to St. Louis Tuesday evening, but cannot leave Tulsa until my car is repaired. I desparately wanted to be with my wife on Wednesday as her classes get out early that day, but now I do not know when I'll be back home.

Please pray that...

...I continue to improve and flush this cold from my body. Natural healing, supernatural healing--doesn't matter to me, as long as I'm healed. ^^

...repairs on my car go quickly and efficiently. I'd still like to leave out Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning.

...I have favor with my insurance company. Since there wasn't another vehicle involved in the damage, I'm concerned that they may raise my rates AND charge me a $500 deductible as well. My wife and I are living on student loans right now and we cannot afford this kind of blow to our budget.

...God protects me AND my car on my return trip home.

...God keeps my wife safe, too.

Saturday was a horrible day and I'm still recovering. I am glad to be alive and praise God for protecting me from and my car from further harm, but it's hard work to maintain a positive attitude right now.

Please pray...whatever you think is appropriate for the situation. I'm so exhausted that I can't think clearly any more. I'm off to bed now.

Good night and God bless.
As you move forward in the kingdom of God, the enemy will mount stronger attacks against you. Have heart my friend and stand tall. You will prosper. You are the Lord's and you walk with Him. No matter what wind befalls you, you will come through fine. Has God let you down yet?

You are in my heart and in my prayers, my dear brother Tek. God bless you!
Poor Tek. I have and will continue to storm the gates of Heaven on you/yours behalf. Hang in...you have Jesus!...Ember!...and the icing on the cake...you look like a Gordan Freeman! :)

...Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9
Awww, God Bless you, Tek!! I shall be praying for you.

Marcylene said:
...Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9

Hrm, that verse looks familiar ;);)

hint, check my sig, lol
I imagine that with the car, the cold, and not being able to see your wife that you feel defeated and frustrated. I know that missing time with my wife and car trouble are extremely frustrating to me. I will pray that God will carry you during this time so that this burden will rest on His shoulders.
Thank you all for your prayers. :)

I do have good news: The auto shop was able to repair the car today. I just drove it home and will be leaving out Tuesday during the day as originally planned. This means that I get to be with my wife on Wednesday. ^^

My parents were kind enough to pick up the bill. I'm very grateful for their kindness, as is my wife.
God is so Magnificently, too good to be true! Quick answered prayer, too! Those are my favorites! I hope you are feeling better! This news alone should do at least half the trick!
Just wanted to post and let everyone know that my trip from Tulsa to home was safe and uneventful. Praise God for His safety! ^^