Healers much more needed than tanks end game?


New Member
Am talking mostly PvE here I know they both have there uses PvP. I have almost quit leveling my Eng. Beacause we all Know theres enough Dps running around to kill two cow's ! And I am one of those people that enjoy playing a class thats in demand. I started playing tank again Kotbs ( i had a IB to level 18 at one time but deleted :() and am enjoying,But I see on alliance chat alot someones always looking for more healers. I never tanked anything end game but I have healed in other games and enjoyed it, Just havent gave the healing classes in War a fair try yet. would like to try my hand at tanking but Know I enjoy healing so my question is healers the most under played and or most needed right now for those of you looking at it from 40 doing some dungeons Or tanks just as needed? I Know its kind of a silly post but wanted to see whats really going on out there just not what I have seen last few nights on alliance chat.

I would just look at the recruitment list on the main page to see what the guild needs but that has not been updated in long Time! :p God bless!
In general, healing and support classes are always in demand. They don't get to nuke anything, they don't get up there in the action... so most people don't enjoy them as much. There are a lot of people with toons in the end-game, but good end-game healers are always in demand.
I think the guild is fairly well balanced at this time. I have been meaning to update the recruitment page, but wanted to wait till the dust from the server transfer settled down, then came the slayers and that throws things off again.

I have to say that I was thinking of rolling a tank (if I roll an alt) just because I felt like I was seeing more ppl asking for tanks then healers in Altdorf these days. I think both will always be in demand and you should go with what you want there. Due to peoples playtimes we will probably never have enough lvl 40 well geared tanks & healers...
The guild is decently balanced across all tiers.

But, the alliance and order will always need more healers.

Why not level both a tank and a healer, eh? From a pve standpoint, the end game instances will never run out of demand for either so rush but no rush, if you get what I mean. Considering there are tons of dps classes wanting end-game gear (hello up and coming slayers), they have to beg region chat a lot. I did that quite a few times, and almost every time, we were missing one or the other, but mostly a healer. Kutluch can probably vouch for demand for both classes as I think he's done the most end game raiding in our guild with his WH.

You probably know the ups and downs to each but...without a healer, a tank can feel useless sometimes. Without proper backline support or taunts, a healer is constantly harrassed/getting aggro and has little time to evaluate the next move.

I have a few tier 1/sub tier 2 toons if your up for scenario runs sometime.
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Thanks for the feed back, made a rune priest today even though I had what seemed like a million choppas after me it was still fun! I like the Idea of having both Zebedee But I have had the game scince a about two weeks before open beta ( even though my sub has not been active the whole time) and the highest I have ever gotten is to the end of T2:(. So I guess will just play them both until I find myself wanting to play one more than the other then I will come back to level the other once I see what life is like outside of T2. Thanks again for taking time to respond, see yea in game.

oh Icthus if I stick with the RP is there a tree thats less painful to the level with than the others. seems like all 3 RP trees are kind of the same. :cool:
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