Harry Potter is the Devil!


New Member
Hrmm.. I don't know about you, but I am very disconcerted by the recent attacks on Harry Potter. Labeling it as being satanic and witchcraft provoking, Harry Potter's fervent enemies I believe are going a bit too far. I just finished reading the following article on the issue....and...well..yeah.

as far as im concerned it doesnt even scratch the service of witchcraft, its really benign and if u have even seen half of the disney movies i dont think harry potter should be that much of a concern
looks like the article was pulled. Or, it simply won't load up on my computer. Either way, Harry Potter and other movies, are an introduction into a very dangerous world. They come at as: Its fun, isn't it. Trap, gotcha.
Thats pretty funny, I think these people got bored and thought the'll attack someone new today. If she is 21 years old, shouldn't she know that harry potter is not real. I personally love the Harry Potter movies and book.
I don't understand these people. What are they going to attack next Shakespear, and Fairy Tales, maybe The chronicles of Narnia.

Yeah Disney has had talk about witchcraft, but everyone their just movies. Its like every year people pick something new to attack. From Marylin Manson, to Eminem, to Teletubbies. It makes no sense, kids are pretty smart, they can tell the difference.

They don't come as a trap, do u think Rowling sat in the coffie shop thinking how am I going to get kids to become satanic.
Maybe she did, maybe she didn't.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What are they going to attack next Shakespear, and Fairy Tales, maybe The chronicles of Narnia.

There will always be fanatics that attack anything and everything. Just like there are alot of people attacking the bible and christianity for the past 2,000 years.
Ok my little cousin just read the article and her quote is
I'll copy and paste the article for those of you who can't read it.

WITH A LOOK OF DEMONIC DARKNESS in her eye, she poured the olive oil into a pan. Cackling and possessed by evil she added surgical spirit, and stirred it over the flames. As no eye of newt was to be found in her Madrid flat, she used toothpaste instead. As she muttered occult incantations over her devilish brew, it grew hotter and hotter.
Half an hour later the fire brigade was there, and most of the apartment wasn't. The 21-year-old woman told firefighters she had caused the fire trying to imitate Harry Potter.

An exciting story this, from last July, offering final confirmation of what our more excitable brethren have been warning us for years: Harry Potter leads people into witchcraft and Satanism.

The fact that in six years and 2535 pages, the books that Satan's ABC of Child Destruction calls "the most audacious stunt Satan has ever attempted", have only had one known convert must mean that either the Dark Lord is saying, "Well, that was a big waste of effort, I'm going back to being a personification of evil", or, more likely, it just proves just how subtle his iniquitous machinations are.


THE WAR AGAINST HARRY has been a heartwarmingly international and ecumenical one.

There was the Pentecostal book-burning in Alamogordo, New Mexico, devoutly keeping the flames of Salem alive, at which Pastor Jack Brock explained, "Harry Potter is the Devil and he is destroying people". He said he hadn't read the books, but had heard a lot about them.

According to the BBC, videos of Disney's Snow White – recruiting for the black arts since 1937 – also joined the bonfire, which is logical, but frustrating when you're trying to write a column like this. When these people take the piss out of themselves, what's a satirist supposed to do?

In Australia, all 60 Seventh-Day Adventist schools banned the books, describing them as "tools of the Devil". And if every parent who gives their child a Harry Potter book is putting the Devil's tool into their hand, what horrors could result?

The creation of a generation of killers, according to Rev. Lori Jo Schepers, of Zeeland, Michigan, whose public schools also banned the books: "What I can expect is those kids, as they mature, have a very good chance of becoming another Dylan Klebold and those guys in Columbine." Or at the very least burning their apartments.

The public library in Tamborine Mountain, in Australia, was also thought to have banned the books after protests from God's loonies, but it turned out instead they were so popular they were never on the shelves. Not much of a story, I know, but if that isn't the most anointed place name on earth, what is?


IN AN ATTEMPT TO LURE Harry's children into something less demonic, Jerry Yu Ching has written a fantasy children's story, The Greatest King, marketed as the Christian's answer to HP. In fact, it too has "amazing feats of power and magic", but – in the grand tradition of Passion of the Christ – it also has Jesus in it and is therefore a good book.

Better still, Californian poet Janey Hauck has taken up pen against Potter. It's hard to pick just a couple of verses of "Harry Potter or Jesus", but you can read the rest here, and it's every bit as good.

It will masquerade as "good verses evil"
With core values of love and loyalty,
But tucked in between those pages
Is nothing but blatant sorcery.

Children all around the world
Are being caught up in this slaughter;
Each wanting to own a set of "Harry" books
And all the paraphernalia of Potter.

Christian parents rise up and fight!
Your child's spiritual life is at stake.
Does your child want to live at No. 4 Privit Lane
Or with Jesus, entering heavens gate?

Orthodoxy provides a typically surreal contribution to this witchcraft round up, as the Moscow Prosecutor's Office officially investigated the Harry Potter books for "promoting witchcraft and discrediting the Orthodox faith", after reports that they were "drawing students into religious groups of a Satanic type", and (oh, the irony) "contained signs of religious extremism". It took the prosecutor a week to announce there was no case to answer.

Rome's attitude to the books has been more ambivalent. Fr Peter Fleetwood, a spokesperson for the Pontifical Council for Culture, told a press conference he quite liked them, while the Vatican's official exorcist, Fr Gabriele Amorth warned, "Behind Harry Potter hides the signature of the king of the darkness, the Devil." Now there's a signature that would bump up the price of a first edition.


For one thing...this guy isn't a very good writer. For another, the arguement is utterly ridiculous, I don't care how you look at it. Harry Potter excites satanism in the little kids that read it. Why? Well, becuase some 21 year old woman who was obviously not well in the head says that she was just imitating Harry Potter. You can't base an arguement over something that is plainly very rare like that. I'd like to see a study done on the percentage of persons that read Harry Potter that then decide to partake in witchcraft. And anyway, witchcraft is an official religion, and the fact that they worship satan is a false stereotype that they have been trying to deal with for years now. It's just discriminating that Christianity is trying to do this.. I think they need a reality check rather badly.
This is one reason people hate Christians. If those Christians would stop attacking things that aren't wrong, and fix all the problems in the Christian faith ( Such as, the very high Christian divorce rate. ).
Its funny we all comapare it to Disney, like Disney is the moral standard. Wasn't there just issues about Disney being associated with gays/lesbians, or is that rumors floating around in California? I don't really keep up on that sort of stuff.

Anyway, people will be idiots without Harry Potter as a role model. I really don't know what to think. I think Christians attack Harry Potter because there is no threat of Harry Potter attacking back. Where are those same courageous people when the Wicca, or the Church of Satan in San Fransico is out and about? Thats where the real battle lines are...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Master~Plan @ July 08 2004,3:05)]Anyway, people will be idiots without Harry Potter as a role model. I really don't know what to think. I think Christians attack Harry Potter because there is no threat of Harry Potter attacking back. Where are those same courageous people when the Wicca, or the Church of Satan in San Fransico is out and about? Thats where the real battle lines are...
Wiccans do not worship the devil. Satan is a Christian entity, and they are unaffiliated with Christianity. I think they worship the gods of the winds or the earth and stuff like that. But in any case, the religion is harmless. The poeple attacking the witches of today are just confused and out of touch.
*sigh* here we go again. There are only two supernatural forces. Satan and the fallen angels, and God with the faithful angels.Any supernatural activity falls under one of the two catagories. There are no multiple religions. Truth is not relative. Everyone will end up in one of two places for all eternity, Heaven or Hell. Wicca is not associated with God, making it either false, or communication with fallen angels, and as you guessed, the church of satan is not associated with God, making it false, or most likely contact with fallen angels. Even for some kids that are having fun, and go through the ritual to attempt to summon bloody mary in a bathroom, is witchcraft, and very dangerous. (Matthew 12:30)
I'll be honest, I view belief in a relative truth to just be an excuse to try and justify doing whatever one wants. The consequences of sin is death, and can't be justified, believe it or not...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Master~Plan @ July 08 2004,3:26)]*sigh* here we go again. There are only two supernatural forces. Satan and the fallen angels, and God with the faithful angels.Any supernatural activity falls under one of the two catagories. There are no multiple religions. Truth is not relative. Everyone will end up in one of two places for all eternity, Heaven or Hell. Wicca is not associated with God, making it either false, or communication with fallen angels, and as you guessed, the church of satan is not associated with God, making it false, or most likely contact with fallen angels. Even for some kids that are having fun, and go through the ritual to attempt to summon bloody mary in a bathroom, is witchcraft, and very dangerous. (Matthew 12:30)
I'll be honest, I view belief in a relative truth to just be an excuse to try and justify doing whatever one wants. The consequences of sin is death, and can't be justified, believe it or not...
Alright, but you can't describe Wiccans as Satan worshipers, becuase it doesn't make sense. Also, with that logic, other religions like Buddism and Hinduism should suffer the same scrutiny, yet they do not. It's a fabricated issue, and it bothers me greatly. As for my relative truth thing, that's just one aspect to my belief system...please don't make any assumptions about me. They're probably wrong.
Wiccans don't worship satan, or fallen angels. The're actually peacefull. The bloddy mary thing is a joke, I've tried it nothing happens. Its like the boogie man. Ofcource my cuz tried it and came out with a scratch behind his year, but I think he did that himself.

FAQ on Wicca
The church of Satan is harmless, think about it Marylin Manson is a bishop in it, and he's just doing it for publicity. Great musiian/songwriter.
I know in the catholic church one priest was telling me that around christmas time they watch that people eat the body of christ(the bread) because its known that people from the church of satan tries to steal a piece for some ritual. But they hold their conventions in big hotels. Think about it Church of Satan ritual at the Hilton in Convention Hall 2. Their just people that are either bored or had a bad experience with the church so their trying to lash out.
so all other religions are satanic. This shows how tollerant christians are. This is y I don't like to be called christian anymore. I have to many friends that are of different religions.
U know in India I went to a private Catholic school. And down there u don't have to be catholic to go to a catholic school as long as u had enough money to pay for schooling. The non catholics just didn't go to morning prays at the church every morning, or have to do any bible study. We all just respected other people's beliefs.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ([toj.cc]hescominsoon @ July 08 2004,4:43)]If you do not Follow Jesus and worship God you are for the enemy..known as Satan.  There is not other way.  Very black and white.  The "grey areas' are either man's inventions to get around the black and white way things are or Satan's way of confusiong those who do not follow Christ.
Holy wow. If you're not Christian you're a satanist? Interesting slash deluded opinion ya got thar... Do you happen to know people that practice other religions? Becuase if you do, I'm guessing they don't have a habit of trying to steal children to use as sacrifices to the dark one, or randomly burn crusifixes, or run around proclaiming the recent return of the prince of evil. Pardon my exaggerations, but I think you get my point. You..gah, I don't even know where to begin. Blah, nevermind.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]so all other religions are satanic. This shows how tollerant christians are.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Holy wow.  If you're not Christian you're a satanist?
where have you guys been? didn't you read Matthew 12:30? There is no nuetral(sp) ground. What toj.cc said was exactly right.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] I'm guessing they don't have a habit of trying to steal children to use as sacrifices to the dark one
ah, you people... Yeah, you'll know satan when you see him because he is this little red guy that has two horns and a pitch fork. He made a pose for a fire work company, and is a mascott. I'm sure he takes many souls to Hell by appearing over the left shoulder of people and out whitting the angel on their right shoulder. Then all his followers come together, and sacrifice things while he has them all brainwashed. They go out and do his evil deeds against thier will, by looting streets/pillaging, teaching curse words to children, and murdering.
NO- Satan is the father of lies, hes not stupid. He wouldn't get very far if you could identify him like that. Satan can't hold anyone against thier will(unless demons possess someone, and thats another subject all together). He has to trick people into thinking that the wrong thing is right. Sometimes there are those people who just blindly do his will, but the majority have to be decieved. I don't know how long he has been around, but after all that time, I don't think he is anything less than extreemly cunning. He twists and perverts the Bible through "close" religions like mormonism, or Jehova witnesses. A religion like buhdism seems "cool", or "peaceful", but if its not the truth, its against God.
I'm a budhism fan.
I've met satan we had a few drinks together. Ofcource it was halloween and he did have horns, and a pitch fork. U seem more like a mormon, mormons split the world into 2 classes, mormons and people who will become mormons. I think the salamander helped with these rules.

But really satan has become a joke now. Who's really scared of him. He's probobly in the bahamas right now having a cocktail.
Well.. I'm no believer in magic and witchcraft craps.. and after watching the Harry Potter 1 it was too different from the book so i just stood away from it. I saw some games comin out about it too and its seroiusly.. crapx0r lol.. im not gonna bother about HP stuffs i'll stick to computers and CS kthxbye