Happy Birthday Unchained!


New Member
Today was my daughter's birthday and we had a wonderful day. She is with her mom tonight and will be there most of the week since she hasn't seen her much the past couple weeks. She is on spring break this week.

She got a DS lite for her bday to replace her regular DS. anyone with info on upgrading a DS lite, let me know. She has heard that you can actually control WoW with it so I'm gonna do some searching on how to do that.
WOOT! Happy b-day my friend. May it be filled with many blessings, love, laughter and may the next year be more than you expect.
If you can control wow with it, let me know as our family have DS lites!!!

Happy Birthday to Unchained
Happy Birthday Unchained! Glad to hear she is having fun :D

Okay this may be a newb question...what is DS?

That is a newb question......oi Bellybutton! Its the newest version of the game boy (nintendo hand held game) with dual screens and the lite is the small version. Mine is metallic pink!
I trust your birthday celebration was a wonderfully good time as a girl like you deserves the best!

Mine was! hehe!

Heals - good daddy!