Halo2 Clan


New Member
Hey check out Gods Halo Players we are a christian clan that gets together to play Halo2.  We aren't always the best but we have a great time.  If you would like a clan invite just pop in Halo2 and send me Goose241 a friend request along with a reminder to add you to the clan and I will add you to the clan.
Add me! Gamertag: kraniac.

You're just a casual group, right? If you want to do anything competitive I'll have to quit, I'm busy leading a UT TDM team.
Hi hi. Just bumping the thread and saying that I haven't forgotten about inducting Gods Halo Players as a CGA member-group. I, err, just happen to be away from my home PC until January 11. After I get back, rest assured, I will be making it (bringing new groups and affiliates into CGA) a high priority.