Just thought everyone would like to know your able to get Halo 2 for $30 US. Yea it's used but I don't think that's too bad when you could turn right back around and sell it for a profit. It's from Gamefly so they inspect their discs before selling them, and because they don't send out the manual and case they should be in as good as new condition. Also through January 9th they're offering free shipping, and according to the confirmation e-mail that should be within 5 buisness days, not too shabby.
Here's the link: Halo 2
Even if your not looking for Halo 2 you should check it out, they have a lot of other good games at really good prices as long as you don't mind buying used. I don't usually buy used either but it's just too good of a deal to pass up.
Here's the link: Halo 2
Even if your not looking for Halo 2 you should check it out, they have a lot of other good games at really good prices as long as you don't mind buying used. I don't usually buy used either but it's just too good of a deal to pass up.