Half-Life 2, Here I Come!

Wh1te Out

New Member
I had Christmas early. We had to celebrate today so I'm installing the Half-Life 2 GOTY edition right now, with my brand spanking new Logitech MX510 mouse. Oooh, baby, I'm excited! :D
Good game, great mouse...I have both. =) I never could finish Halflife 2. I'm just not much of a single player FPS guy. I like to play online.
Heh, i was on the edge of my seat when i finished the game through for the first time. I still play hl2 (beaten it 4 times now) and I still jump at those man hacks.

I believe "gary's mod" is a string of mods for single player, but i'm not sure, dont quote me on it.
I'm happy Steam updated to 64-bit HL2 now everyone like myself with windows xp 64 can benifit the ability of 64bit rather then 32 yeah, faster is better :)
mmm... tasty. i'm still tryign to beat it, whiel my mom is hogging the laptop. dunno why she can't use this one for christmas greetings...
Whon said:
I'm happy Steam updated to 64-bit HL2 now everyone like myself with windows xp 64 can benifit the ability of 64bit rather then 32 yeah, faster is better :)
Ooh! How is the difference? I have an Athlon 64, but decided not to upgrade to win 64 because I've heard it's not as compatible with stuff. I'm just going to wait till vista comes out and use the 64 bit version of that. Anyway, for those of you who don't know goldeneye source released the first version of their mod today. I haven't tried it yet, but I will very soon.
I like it still has a little delay for loading worlds, but it upped all my graphic setting to max and wow what a difference everything is reflective now... like at the start at the lab the magniflying glass really works man if all games are going to be like HL2 in 64-bit I'd be telling everyone to upgrade