GW2 Account hacked and now everything is gone.


New Member
yesterday my GW2 account was hacked.

I'm working out the issue with GW2 support team but they are not much help. They keep telling me to reset my password, but they reset my password, then it was hacked again from their reset.

Everything on my toons, all salvage material is gone. All exotic armor gone, all exotic weapons are salvaged are gone, all gold earned gone. All of my 80's with all sets of armor are stripped.

they did not use my email to get into my account, no notifications were ever sent to my game email. This was either internal or the hackers have a way to target someone in game.

If I was to guess, the Chinese have a way to target someone in game, and access your information.

I don't know if I'll be back in game again.

I'll be on TS to explain the situation later.
First...there are rollbacks, so no worries! :)

Easier said than done, though, I'd be very annoyed. Secondly, 1 of these 2 things has happened:

  • Yes, they did access your email. Just because you don't see a mail doesn't mean they didn't get in and delete it. Might check Account -> Security and see what networks are authorized. Even then, doesn't mean someone didn't delete this information.
  • Someone on your physical network has accessed your account.

I'm not saying those are the only two options within the realm of possibility. But until we hear about mass account theft those are really the only two things you should consider...and both of these indicate a security issue on your end. I'm definitely not trying to kick you while you're down, but instead encourage you to look at things that you can do to mitigate risk. It's very likely you have a virus or other issue, and those things are better taken care of sooner rather than later.

If it were me, I'd do a complete of Windows, along with changing every password (again) that you may have accessed from there - email, guild wars, bank account, etc.

Again, very sorry to hear this happened, what a pain.
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Keep on it with Anet. I agree they can do a rollback. For drastic ironclad recovery I agree format and reinstall it all, change ALL passwords. If you have a personal router reset everything. This really stinks, talk to me on ts later tonight.

edit: I got to thinking. Even if you only have one computer, and no other devices, a personal router might not be a bad idea. You can add on more layer of security like that.
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That's awful news. As someone who lives in a weird country where my local routing station (not sure if thats the right term - not techy enough to know) changes on sometimes a daily basis I regularly get emails from anet checking its me trying to log in. In fact it won't let me in until I've clicked on their link. If it is guys in China then surely unless they know where you live and VPN'd to where you live a similar email would have been sent. I realise they could delete it but if anet has record of sending it then at least it might narrow down possibilities of how it happened.
Regardless the advice you've been given is easily the best, maybe once you get everything secure we can have a guild drive to re-equip you.
I also agree with asking for a rollback. Sorry I didnt' think to mention that yesterday. It slipped my mind. You don't have to rebuild your bank, Anet can rollback your account to before the hack. However if you do have a keylogger or virus on your PC then you really need to get rid of it before the rollback, otherwise you'll just lose it all again.