GW guild discipline


Tribe of Judah Guild Wars Chapter Leader
No this isnt a bunch of new rules for SoE/alliance. Actually i want to write to Gaile or post something on Guru to get more guild support in GW.

I've been thinking about this for a while and personally i think that GW is lacking very much when it comes to guilds and alliances. Which is really sad when you think that the name of the game is GUILD Wars.

Mainly what I would like done is some other disiciplinary actions that officers/leaders can make other than an outright kick. Right now the only thing we can do is kick. And i think everyone can agree that that might be a little harsh. What i would like to see is maybe something like:
~Banning someone from guild/alliance chat for an hr, 2 hrs, 12hrs. (thats the main one for me)
~Maybe banning someone from the GH for a while.
~Exile them from the guild for a while.
~Something LESS harsh than an outright kick.

I also think that guilds should have the option of allowing other alliance officers to take similar actions as listed above. Let me show you an example:
~Lets say Guild A has 1 officer on. And Guild B has a member that decides to curse and make a fuss on alliance chat. Now Guild B doesnt have any officers on to asset the situation and the only thing Guild A can do right now is totaly kick Guild B from the alliance. What i propose is that there be a way that will allow the ability to let Guild A's officer have some kind of power to 'shut off' that player from alliance chat so that he doesn't annoy anyone else in the alliance. That also allows time for an officer from Guild B to get on so Guild A and Guild B can talk things out about said person.

Now obviously this would have to be optional. I cant see other people being excited that any officer in the alliance can have this power so maybe like a switch that allows this. And I wouldnt want other officers to have the ability to kick players from other guilds (That would create a whole new kind of horror story ;)).

Now what im asking you guys is:
A) Good idea?
B) Suggestions?
C) Comments?
D) How i should go about presenting it to Anet?
E) Revising my propsition so that its presentable to Guru/Anet.

PS: Also i think this is a good spot to ask for like a community storage for the alliance. Being able to veiw other guilds rosters to see whose on. Extending Friends list. Being able to sort Friends list. And other stuff that has to do with other human players.

Thanks guys. :)
I know you can kick people from the guild, but can you ban them? The above does sound like a good idea to me though, even though I haven't played GW in a long while.
I would love to have options! We've had problems in the past with members of other (long gone) guilds. I think banning someone from alliance chat for a set period of time would be a great intermediate measure. An officer could head off any really bad turns and then talk to the person in whisper.

Another thing: What if it announced whatever disciplinary action had been taken to any officer of the guild who was currently online?

Like "[Character Name] ([Main Character Name as listed in guild]) has been banned from alliance chat for two hours by [Officer Name]." It could be something like the Hall victory announcements.

Or maybe have an officer-only status page that records disciplinary actions, similar to the status tab on the guild screen! Or both... Or a warning system, like many forums have.

You're brilliant, STC!
I always wanted officers to show up in a different color in alliance chat. I like your ideas. Not sure how to get it to Anet though. I wouldn't mind and oficcer chat channel ether.

Kel Queen of all Europe
well im glad you two think its nice. But i would like to see what non-officer people think of it. I really dont want it to sound like us officers are going on a power-trip. That wouldnt be good (fun! but not good... ;))

Thanks for the feedback. Any more plz?
I always wanted officers to show up in a different color in alliance chat. I like your ideas. Not sure how to get it to Anet though. I wouldn't mind and oficcer chat channel ether.

Kel Queen of all Europe

I really dont want it to sound like us officers are going on a power-trip. That wouldnt be good (fun! but not good... ;))

I think having some way for people in other guilds to know someone is an officer would actually make things easier for everyone. It saves having to beat people over the head. Plus, people KNOW there are officers there, which reminds people that there are standards to be maintained.
I think it would be a great feature! I can see it being a great asset to our officers. Do you think, though, that it would still provide enough of a benefit to the majority of guilds that don't really have chat rules. From the other guilds I've been in, generally if someone was bad enough on guild chat (there weren't alliances yet :-P) that an officer cared, he was getting kicked anyway. I'm just not sure if most guilds would even take advantage of extra ways to dicipline members. You'll probably want to cover that when you bring it to Anet cause I'm sure we can think of ways it would benefit every guild.

Meanwhile, the officer color thing would be a sure-fire improvement and wouldn't even be a strain on the devs! Good luck!

When alliance chat began only Officers could use it. So would be nice to see a different color at least for officers.
it sounds good, but at the same time I can see how it could easily be abused.

Right. Which is why i think that other officers should not be able to kick members from different guilds. And that each guild will have to allow those powers to the alliance officers.

Really i dont think it could be that abused. If someone went power-crazy the worse they could do is maybe ban someone from ally chat for 24 hrs, and odds are someone's going to stop that officer eventually. At least it wont be as bad as those stories where they promote someone and they go and kick everyone..
Right. Which is why i think that other officers should not be able to kick members from different guilds. And that each guild will have to allow those powers to the alliance officers.

Really i dont think it could be that abused. If someone went power-crazy the worse they could do is maybe ban someone from ally chat for 24 hrs, and odds are someone's going to stop that officer eventually. At least it wont be as bad as those stories where they promote someone and they go and kick everyone..

I think they are really great ideas. I hope you get them to Anet and I hope that they actually listen.

Keep up the good work :)
I think it sounds like a good isea. I haven't used the chat yet since I mainly play PVE with heroes/henchies. I don't get very much time to play and have to leave at a moments notice so it isn't fair to leave a party or PVP session. But the idea sounds good to punish people for minor infractions without kicking them out.

When you guys have an idea like this you want feedback on, please be sure and cross post it to the alliance members forums as well please! (I.e. Let us know about this discussion with a post in our guild hall)
Great ideas STC!

Bad part is that while this will only work for a hand full of alliances, the rest would abuse this to such extent of who knows what. Maybe suggest it with the ability of the alliance leader (the leader of the guild that is leader of alliance) to be able to set this on/off via a NPC through his/her's guildhall.
I can totally see this being shot down fast and not considered if you can find a way to prevent the abuse before it starts.
Maybe this has already been said, or maybe it hasn't on account of it not quite being on topic, but what I'd like to see most is everyone in the Alliance who is online.

Being able to click on each guild and see who's online in that guild would be great.

sorry if this is off topic... :o)


Maybe this has already been said, or maybe it hasn't on account of it not quite being on topic, but what I'd like to see most is everyone in the Alliance who is online.

Being able to click on each guild and see who's online in that guild would be great.

sorry if this is off topic... :o)



Maybe a little off-topic, but I absolutely agree! I would love to find out everyone who's around, and right now the only way is asking on Alliance Chat. I really feel like, in general, there are alot of guild/alliance management tools that are sorely missed. Hopefully the support that Anet says they'll still provide despite GW2 will include these kinds of major overhauls.

Maybe this has already been said, or maybe it hasn't on account of it not quite being on topic, but what I'd like to see most is everyone in the Alliance who is online.

Being able to click on each guild and see who's online in that guild would be great.

sorry if this is off topic... :o)



No way, its totaly on-topic. While the main focus of THIS thread is for the discipline i also want more attention to the guilds/alliances. I would very much love to see all the guilds rosters, my friends list gets way too full to put everyone i want to know on.

Keep comming with suggestions, i am going to rework the original post and ideas so fix some bugs, i'll post here for a few days to let you guys know before i post on Guru/Email Gaile.