Guild Wars Screenshots!

Oh yeah, and I have a question:

every time i see an elementalist their hands are on fire or something like that. How do I do that? Perhaps gaining levels...
I was looking through my screens and thought this one could compare with Quantum's


This one was from a while back, but I thought it was pretty neat looking


EDIT - this was in the wrong thread, so I moved it here.

Here's one of my favs of my primary. Its actually my main image on my personal website, :)

I love the Pyro Armor. Some day I want to make it as a costume! :)

(I do costumes for conventions and SCA.)
Mr_Slice said:
I present Exhibit A. Please read the last line. We need to get this boy some help. ;)

just noticed that....... we broke up since then ;)
LOL that is a awesome set of CHOMPERS pics. hahahah Good job Bek.

Hey I just noticed my pics in post#71 didnt show up.. hmm ill have to repost soon.
That was my moment of glory! I sacrificed myself to kill that Ettin with the chompers after he was chasing me and Sydney.