Guild Wars Screenshots!

some pics of the 'mutiny' last night


Thrawn, uh... Trinity?, and me, with Pastori in the background

me & Pastori (grammatically correct in this instance, as i'm describing the picture from left to right :-p) with Dirk & THrawn in the background
Forgive the traitors!

Derk's "shadow guild" gave guest priveleges to some of the people who participated. As far as I know, we relented and let every one of the mutineers back in. Aren't we forgiving? :)
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ChickenSoup said:
1 /\/\|_|$7 |\|07 |37 7|-|1$ |-|4|*|*3|\|
halonic might not be able to read it all, but either way CS, its gonna happen that folks can read ur typin :p
This is a shot of the dance party after the bash :D


Warriors are sync dancing and rangers are also sync dancing infront of warriors....Good times...good times
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I have some bash pics, too, but my husband is on that computer... That's right! I'm in the cave and he is on the good computer!

I don't mind!