Guild Wars is not Opening

This may just be my internet connection (since I'm also having trouble with Internet Explorer), but I can't seem to get GW to load. The shortcut opens the program but it doesn't do anything else.

In any case, I just thought I'd let you know that it's essentially impossible for me to be in-game, probably for a while, and if it lasts for 30 days I'll be auto-replaced by an officer (again). I'll keep trying, though.
Possibly a firewall issue or check the compatibility on the launcher exe. I know the firewall messed mine up for awhile months back.
It could be something related to the firewall and the new update for the anniversary. I had a compatability problem with one of the updates in the past.
I see... It was a firewall issue.
Thanks! :p

I forgot that I didn't have GW already on the exeptions list (I had GW on the laptop that I replaced with this one; it worked on this one up until recently).