Guild Wars a la Vista

How does it feel to have an operating system that can play a total of 7 games?

It feels really great having an operating system that is unbelievably stable and all-but-immune to viruses on its own, AND can trick Windows into believing it's running on its own, and not in Boot Camp.
How does it feel to have an operating system that can play a total of 7 games?


pretty good since i don't have to worry about virii/spyware/etc etc etc....That's why i have more Linux machines in my house than windows desktops. Also i don't play 7 games so it's a non-issue for me and more and more people.
Uh-oh...I smell a flame war. I love Windows personally. I can't say anything against Macs since I've never owned one or really even used one. All I can say is that my PCs all run Windows XP and I couldn't be happier. I never have problems with spyware or viruses and I use free apps to combat them. Unless you are visiting websites that you shouldn't or downloading something illegally, you don't really have to worry about that kind of stuff. I'm sure that if the tables were turned and Macs were in everyone's homes, the bulk of viruses and spyware would be written to attack them rather than Windows. On the same token, the bulk of games would be written for it also. It's hard to argue either way. It really just boils down to what features you like and what you are familiar with.
There's a common myth that hackers are gunning for windows just because of the installed base. This is not true. if that were the case the apache webserver would have the security record of windows. it deosn't. it is one of the most secure and reliable webservers out there regardless of the operating system it is on. Crackers, malware writers..etc etc, take the path of least resistance. it just happens Windows not only is the largest installed base but the easiest to crack as well.

Malware has been spread through myspace which is a totally legit site. THe exploit used IE to get into windows systems. Windows systems running firefox were immune. The tables could be turned and unless macs are really written poorly(which considering thier BSD base is highly unlike considering the implementation Apple has enacted) the issues would not be as numerous or severe.

There's no flamewar here..however if you are going to paint with such a large brush..make sure you have the correct facts to back them up..:)
There's no flamewar here..however if you are going to paint with such a large brush..make sure you have the correct facts to back them up..:)

I assume you were referring this to me. What part of my post was incorrect? Was it my hypothetical scenario about if the tables were turned on the popularity of Windows and Macs? I was speculating or rather stating my opinion. You can't predict how that scenario would turn out and base it on facts since it is not reality.
I'm in the process of building a new rig and was told to keep XP on my current machine because BF2 won't run on Vista. However I WILL need Vista for Crysis and any other next gen game.
I'm sure that if the tables were turned and Macs were in everyone's homes, the bulk of viruses and spyware would be written to attack them rather than Windows. On the same token, the bulk of games would be written for it also.
Of course. But in the meantime, I'll enjoy my easy-breezy Mac. :) And sometimes the PC.
I assume you were referring this to me. What part of my post was incorrect? Was it my hypothetical scenario about if the tables were turned on the popularity of Windows and Macs? I was speculating or rather stating my opinion. You can't predict how that scenario would turn out and base it on facts since it is not reality.

actually yes i can. it all comes down to which has the better design. Unix/Linux/Apple have a much better design for their operating ssytems then windows does. Windows is not truly designed to work as a multi-user environment in a standalone environment. In a standalone environment Windows defaults to admin(root). In Unix/Linux/apple the default is users...root is not meant to be used on a regular basis. Most software is designed to run as limited windows most software is designed to run as administrator. Years of security research have shown (and continue to show)where the flaws are and those years of research can also say what future scenarios will be most likely to play out and how.

BTW guess what the number one webserver operating system is? It's not's Linux. Which has the better security record? Linux by a very very wide margin. The argument of installed base being the only reason for a poorer security record just doesn't stand up when put into the above light and my earlier light with apache.
for cpu..go with the E6400 or higher series from intel right now. Ram no less than 2 gigs..i would go for four gigs if you can afford it.

Yeah, the E6400 seems like a good break point on the price and I plan on getting that one. I'm leaning toward the 2GB RAM (DDR2 6400), but I'm still trying to keep this machine fairly budget. I've done a lot of mail-in-rebates for the components I already have, including a 200GB hard drive for $20 after rebates. I've got a GeForce 7600GT, 500W PSU, DVD burner and Antec Case already. All that's left is to order the processor, Mobo, RAM and an OS. A friend just built a similar system and I'm going to order the same mobo as he used. As for the OS, I think I'm going Vista, just because I have to buy something and I think I'll kick myselft 6 months from now if I buy XP.

I've never built a computer before, so I'm a little anxious to see it done and working. I am hoping to order those last parts by the end of the week.
Yeah, the E6400 seems like a good break point on the price and I plan on getting that one. I'm leaning toward the 2GB RAM (DDR2 6400), but I'm still trying to keep this machine fairly budget. I've done a lot of mail-in-rebates for the components I already have, including a 200GB hard drive for $20 after rebates. I've got a GeForce 7600GT, 500W PSU, DVD burner and Antec Case already. All that's left is to order the processor, Mobo, RAM and an OS. A friend just built a similar system and I'm going to order the same mobo as he used. As for the OS, I think I'm going Vista, just because I have to buy something and I think I'll kick myselft 6 months from now if I buy XP.

I've never built a computer before, so I'm a little anxious to see it done and working. I am hoping to order those last parts by the end of the week.

actually buy windows xp mce with the free vista upgrade. then you get two windows for the price of one. AND with the vista upgrade you ahve two full working xp and one vista. how? You can install vista clean from the upgrade's a bit convoluted but it's doable..:) also do not install vista over an existing loose your xp license forever and can't go back. I'm going to post the procedure for a clean vista upgrade install on my blog here in a bit. Once i do i'll link it here..:)
here's a link to the xp mce with upgrade coupon(which you can redeem for free at ms's site)

Here's the procedure for the cheapie way. If you do this workaround you can have two with xp and one with Vista..<G>
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actually buy windows xp mce with the free vista upgrade. then you get two windows for the price of one. AND with the vista upgrade you ahve two full working xp and one vista. how? You can install vista clean from the upgrade's a bit convoluted but it's doable..:) also do not install vista over an existing loose your xp license forever and can't go back. I'm going to post the procedure for a clean vista upgrade install on my blog here in a bit. Once i do i'll link it here..:)
here's a link to the xp mce with upgrade coupon(which you can redeem for free at ms's site)

Here's the procedure for the cheapie way. If you do this workaround you can have two with xp and one with Vista..<G>

I've heard that the upgrade coupon gets you a copy of home std instead of the premium version with the aero interface and that there is a substantial shipping charge to get the disc for the upgrade shipped. So I don't know if this would be cheaper, depending on the upcharge to get to home premium. Was your blog entry based on experience or something you read? If it worked, it would get me a copy of XP, but I don't know what I'd do with it.
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I've heard that the upgrade coupon gets you a copy of home std instead of the premium version with the aero interface and that there is a substantial shipping charge to get the disc for the upgrade shipped. So I don't know if this would be cheaper, depending on the upcharge to get to home premium. Was your blog entry based on experience or something you read?
the link i put up for the upgrade coupon is xp mce to vista home premium which is the only one that matters. Also the upgrade procedure come staight form MS and there are more than a few reports of users actually doing this...I'm waiting a bit for some $$$ to free up but then i'm going to buy two of those mce to vista bundles and i'll have xp for a wihle and then when i build new computers i'll have vista..<G>
I know i read on newegg about users that bought XP home with the free upgrade to home basic had to pay $50 for the disk plus shipping.

A review on newegg on the MCE upgrade:

Cons: This is now an obsolete product unless you have a special need for it and don't plan to upgrade soon. In order to upgrade to Vista, you have to pay $12 extra, plus after registering on a website, send in proof that you either purchased a PC, or CPU, memory, motherboard and hard drive. Why go to the hassle when Windows Vista is only a few dollars more?
another 1:

Cons: To get the upgrade you will have to 1) go to a website and fill in a bunch of stuff (fine, one should expect this) 2) Pay $12 for shipping and handling (this is a but excessive) 3) MAIL of fax the confirmation form, the redemption form, AND a copy of your PC purchase receipt (this is going a bit overboard). Then you get to wait for them to process everything. AND you cannot get 64 bit version of Vista!

My understanding also, the upgrade coupon is covered under the "system builder" license, meaning you have no microsoft support for vista and you cannot transfer the license to another motherboad, like if you upgraded your current system. Your out of the money and have to buy another copy.
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Years of security research have shown (and continue to show)where the flaws are and those years of research can also say what future scenarios will be most likely to play out and how.

You're basing that on a scenario that is possible in the future. And no matter how likely something may play out in the future, it may not. Statistically speaking, I'll likely die before I'm 80. But maybe I'll actually live until I'm 115 or maybe I'll be raptured. Who knows?

The hypothetical scenario I provided was a 'What if?' type scenario based on if the tables were turned in the past. Let's just leave it at you have an opinion and I have an opinion and call it a day.
The past is an extremely reliable way to see the future in most cases..and in terms of software design that's proven. I won't rehash what i already said though.
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Ive worked with macs, windows, and Linux. I love Linux and Windows. Macs on the other hand tend to annoy me. Admittedly they are the better written operating system but they just don't fit me. Besides why buy a computer that only lets you right click on 5% of the interface? :) Macs are fine but there not for me ill stick to Linux (besides, its free).
I know i read on newegg about users that bought XP home with the free upgrade to home basic had to pay $50 for the disk plus shipping.

A review on newegg on the MCE upgrade:

another 1:

My understanding also, the upgrade coupon is covered under the "system builder" license, meaning you have no microsoft support for vista and you cannot transfer the license to another motherboad, like if you upgraded your current system. Your out of the money and have to buy another copy.
whoops..that was for the oem..i thought it was retail. Never mind don't use that link anyone.

I fixed the link but they ahve jacked up xp unfortunatly. Looks like i'll be staying with 2k for a while longer..<G>)
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Ive worked with macs, windows, and Linux. I love Linux and Windows. Macs on the other hand tend to annoy me. Admittedly they are the better written operating system but they just don't fit me. Besides why buy a computer that only lets you right click on 5% of the interface? :) Macs are fine but there not for me ill stick to Linux (besides, its free).

because with mac you don't think like windows..nor operate like windows..:) Linux is trying to model itself after windows..which to me is a mistake.
Besides why buy a computer that only lets you right click on 5% of the interface? :)

Honestly, I think if I could right-click with OSX, I'd be sold... not that I'd be able to afford it right now or anything. I'm just incredibly dependant on the right-click.

I remember in my Info. Systems class hearing Windows operates under a menu-based system (a la right-click, etc.), and I think that's why we get along so well. Macs do a good job throwing everything in your face, so it's reeeaaallly easy to do things, but to me, it doesn't feel as organized, so I get uncomfortable with it.


PS- If you can stand a bit of cursing, check this out: Basically just this guys rants on Macs, but I thought it was pretty funny...