Guild Tabard

The best tabard ever is my Bankers guild... but the pink cupcakes is second best O.o I think Shagz tried pink last week though and didn't go over well.. so we went back. I like our tabard...except its not PINK!!

Haha! Ya, changed it briefly for the achievement, but per the WoW forums, it's bugged if you already have a guild tabard. So in order to get it, Redeemed would have to completely disband, delete everything, reform, and create a new tabard. So....
The whole "roster re-building" has already been the biggest deterrent to re-starting guilds, but the guild advancement system seems to me to present a MUCH huger wall. I mean, resetting guild experience to zero, perks to zero, rewards to zero, ... it's like hard-deleting all your epics just for fun some afternoon. So makes me think that going forward there will be a lot less guild churn than in the past. People might transfer the leadership of the guild around, but the notion of, say, Your Bummed just tossing in the towel because of a leadership spat just seems zero. Although we can hope.

Anyhow, though, rather than kicking toons once at a time, couldn't Shagz just /gdisband in one stroke? I thought that Barnaby once did that as a joke with A-team. But can't say that I ever tested that functionality myself, that's for sure...
Now Flame would prefer the disbanding.. like a big huge fireball to the guild. But Shagz, he'd relish each one...