Guild Leader Nominations!


New Member
Let me start by thanking Meli for her service in Redeemed! Meli joined the GM team during a tough time in our history. Her leadership helped bring Redeemed and Sanctification back together! (Best move we ever made!) Even though she got pwn't by a boy, and no longer plays, we still love her!

Now down to business... We need to "replace" Meli. (Can you ever truly "replace" her???)


1. Be at least 20 year old
2. A mature Christian having been a follower of Christ for 2+ years.
3. Be a member and be active in a local church
4. Been a member of Redeemed 6 months
5. Have held some form of Christian leadership somewhere

We will accept nominations over the next week or so. I'll have a chat with each nominee to make sure they meet the requirements and are willing to serve. Once we have a final list, we will allow each nominee to post their propaganda on the forums. Once that is done, we will open up the elections!

Consider the qualifications above before you post! Don't just nominate your BFF. (Best friend forever) Remember, this person will be representing our guild on Stonemaul. Below, please post the name of the person you would like to nominate, and give the reason you think they should be CoGL! NO SPAM PLEASE! I'll make a separate thread for that...

Current Nominations


Declined Nomination:

Icthus (can't remember when he last logged on)
Elihu (has a super secret character somewhere since he "quit")
Tek7 (President of ToJ so probably no)
Bowser (hasn't been seen in awhile either other than forums)
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I officially submit my nomination for Gilga! I have nominated him in both previous elections, but he did not meet the "member of red for 6 months" req. But now he does!

Gilga is among the smartest people we have in the guild. Gilga is seen as a leader by all the officers. Over the years his advice to not only me, but to all the officers has made this guild what it is today. Gilga is the kind of person I want to represent our guild to the rest of stonemaul.

Adding a new rule... "When a sitting GL nominates you, you can not decline his nomination." LONG LIVE GILGA!
Nomination for Gilga.

Reason: Gilga has been a tremendous asset to our guild in many ways. He has shown good character, strength, caring, and is very efficient at helping coordinate things for planned events. (you should see the spreadsheets this guy does) He is a leader already in his own right, contributing where needed when he is able. I believe he meets all of the above requirements.
Nah, no secret. I've returned to the game on a minimal amount of sorts. Starting fresh rather than playing my wife's toon. Not planning on raiding, but rather spending time playing the game with some occasional PvP. It may or may not last longer than a month, but I am technically back in the guild at this time.
Nah, no secret. I've returned to the game on a minimal amount of sorts. Starting fresh rather than playing my wife's toon. Not planning on raiding, but rather spending time playing the game with some occasional PvP. It may or may not last longer than a month, but I am technically back in the guild at this time.

O_O Weak!

I nominate Icthus.
Well, technically I have had someone in the guild for 2 years or so...does that count...probably not...and we probably also cannot nominate yourself either... :)