Guild Grouping - Underworld/Fissure of Woe/High-Level Missions

Wh1te Out

New Member
Okay, with so many of us ascending lately, I think it is time we start organizing some trips into the higher level areas of the game. To kick things off, I suggest that Friday night we set a time (prefer 7:00 pm PST for us West Coast folk) and gather together to go adventure. I can skill cap and wrap-up quests in my spare time, but these areas really require teamwork and people who know what they are doing. It'll be a great way to get to know each other and further our skill with our characters.

Please post your availability and/or your thoughts.

(Secondly, I think we need to assign someone as a PvP coordinator, if we haven't already, and select at least one day and a specific time to begin practicing.)
Do you guys use a teamspeak server? This is a real help with having good teamwork. I'll probably be playing after 10PM Central on Friday night.
Yes, ToJ/SoE has a Teamspeak server. I can't use it, though, due to my son sleeping in the bedroom right now. If he were to be having one of his nights where he doesn't sleep I could.
I'm up for it. Haven't been in UW or FoW much but that's mainly cuz I don't feel comfortable with random people. Esp. when they are just cursing off and complaining about how bad people play.
I have a lot of experience in the Underworld and Fissure. I have 30 obsidian shards and 16 ectoplasm globs as a result of my forays there. Both are very unforgiving places where there is no substitute for experience.

My Monk has approximately 1.2 million experience points right now, most of it in the UW and Fissure.

Some of the most fun I have is with my Ranger configured as a Trapper. Trappers go in all-Ranger groups to the UW and trap the bulls and smites. No Monks needed with these groups.

My point is that I am more than willing to answer questions about the UW/Fissure and share my experiences with guild mates as needed.

Any time we would like to take a group to either place I am anxious to lend my expertise.

Mo/R20 Halonic Healer
R/Mo20 Halonic Mjolner
W/E20 Star Slobberknocker
N/R20 Angelina County
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