Guild First!! LK DOWN!!

Awesome job, guildies. Perhaps the only reason the Lich King did not fall sooner reflects upon Wayne Gretzkey's comment on scoring: "I never made a shot I did not take." It takes quite a few attempts to get the LK down and as a guild we are not a raiding guild. To us, life outside of WoW has priority. I am so proud for those who worked to get this acheivement and to be one of their guildies!

I would still be wearing my Insane title if I got him down though :P

That is because "the Insane" most appropriately describes Flame... Crazier than a loon! lol
That's awesome, guess we don't have to hire Abusedgoat anymore. Hopefully, some of us underlings will get a shot @ killing LK soon. :D
that and the amount of Redeemed people who have done more than just Heroic gunship and LDW could be counted on 1 hand
Looking forward to get some heroic kills in!

Lord marrowgar does more damage with his whirlwind thing. And he puts bone spikes up during his WW thing. Anything i'm missing there?

LDW shouldnt be to hard. She just MC's 1 person in hard mode.

Lootship is easy mode anyways.

Saurfang doesnt sound to hard. Seems he has an enrange at 30%. and does a more damage.

I think we can easily get though that no problems. Then continue on with Pleague wing/blood wing/ and the other wing.
Lord marrowgar does more damage with his whirlwind thing. And he puts bone spikes up during his WW thing. Anything i'm missing there?
Fire does a lot more damage as well

LDW shouldnt be to hard. She just MC's 1 person in hard mode.
You can not taunt and the ghosts can one shot.

Lootship is easy mode anyways.

Saurfang doesnt sound to hard. Seems he has an enrange at 30%. and does a more damage.
If someone with mark dies he regains health, beasts one shot people.

I think we can easily get though that no problems. Then continue on with Pleague wing/blood wing/ and the other wing.
Bloodwing is not that bad:
Princes - you move you get a stacking damage, so little to no movement would be best.
Queen - Same just more damage really. (I don't think I've ever done this in any mode other than hard mode)

Pleague Wing:
Rot - Same but added Festers req of range and spread out so you don't puke on other people (makes for a fun last 10%).
Feaster - adds Rotfaces ooze spots on the ground that will kill people (Melee have the hardest time with this) and you must get the spore debuff out you will die unless a cooldown is hit to reduce the shadow damage.
Prof - We he is nasty, adds a Pleague that you have to spread to people through out the fight, like the vampire bite on queen, but harder to tell who has it.

Frost Wing is a bit harder... LOL
Lootship is easy mode anyways.
You can bug lootship too. Takes half the time to do lol.

Saurfang doesnt sound to hard. Seems he has an enrange at 30%. and does a more damage.
If someone with mark dies he regains health, beasts one shot people.
Yeah they hit extremely hard. And you can't kite them because they put up a raid-wide slow (Slows you by 90%). Still not very hard though.

I think we can easily get though that no problems. Then continue on with Pleague wing/blood wing/ and the other wing.
Bloodwing is not that bad:
Princes - you move you get a stacking damage, so little to no movement would be best.
Queen - Same just more damage really. (I don't think I've ever done this in any mode other than hard mode)
Blood Queen in heroic is a joke. I didn't even know what the difference was lol.

Pleague Wing:
Rot - Same but added Festers req of range and spread out so you don't puke on other people (makes for a fun last 10%).
Feaster - adds Rotfaces ooze spots on the ground that will kill people (Melee have the hardest time with this) and you must get the spore debuff out you will die unless a cooldown is hit to reduce the shadow damage.
Prof - We he is nasty, adds a Pleague that you have to spread to people through out the fight, like the vampire bite on queen, but harder to tell who has it.
PP takes some practice. You have to have really good communication so that you don't pass the plague to someone that has the debuff.

Frost Wing is a bit harder... LOL
Dreamwalker is still easy mode. I believe she can take damage and lose health in heroic...

Sindy is pretty hard in heroic too. Casters get a debuff and they have to move out of the group because they blow up with an AoE. Makes the last phase more difficult. Also in the air phase if you don't LoS the damage you will die... No matter what.
Yah i saw how Xaveor did heroic lootship. IF you want we can try it and get an achievement with everyone only going over 2 times.

=D easy win!