Guild Duel Night!


New Member
After Adam and I were goofing around in chat the other night, it was brought up about having a Guild Duel Night. A few others in the chat seemed to be interested in this. I wanted to post it up to see who would all be interested. This can be done on almost any night for myself except for Tuesday evenings. I don't mind setting this up at all, I'm just wondering what kind of interest it has for guildies. Remember all, duels don't last that long and several duels can be going on at one time. I want this to be a 1 vs 1 fight, not a free for all, so it won't be held in the Arena in STV.

Basically, to give a rough estimate on how things will go to see if there is any interest is this. Whoever is interested, will post on Group Calander. I would like to make this mandatory for anyone interested. Either that, or post here. This will make sorting out who will go, what level they are, and so on, MUCH easier to take care of in advance. Even if you aren't sure that you can make it or not, sign up anyway. This isn't DKP based or anything so if ya don't show up, ya don't show up. But please, if you are interested, sign up for it and if you're there, great, if not, that's ok also.

After all the names have been put in, the /roll will determine who fights who (described below). This will also be based on a best of 3 series for the two people fighting. Why a best of 3? Everyone can use their best cool down abilities in each fight. This way, with a minimum of 2 and max of 3 fights, you can't use your cooldowns back to back to back. This should prove who is better in that one duel, for that night. Buy-in to the fight would be something like 50s. Winner at the end of the night goes home with the pot.

I do have great way of determining who gets to fight who by the way, just incase you are wondering. Everyone that is in for duel night will do a /roll. The person with the highest roll, fights the person with the lowest roll. 2nd highest fights 2nd lowest. Etc. This keeps things fair, and random. I'll keep the brackets on a sheet of paper to keep track of everything for everyone.

Also, it doesn't matter who ya bring. Bring your main, bring your alt, bring your pet raptor elite that you picked up. Doesn't matter. However, you can only enter yourself once. That means I can't bring Reasonable and Reason to the fight. Only one.

Let me know what ya think and if you are interested, please post what nights are good for you. Remember, since duels don't last long, this would probably only be a max of a 30 minute thing depending on how many people are in. The whole first bracket can be fighting at once.


I would come, but I like having my pride and dignity intact.

Although, maybe we could implement a policy where if you best the GM or an officer, you get kicked from the guild. That might be ok.
Yeah... um... er... holy/disc priest.

If I get to choose the time and place (coughStonewroughtDamcough) then I'll duel anyone - and I'll even use some of my winnings to help with repair bills. But otherwise I don't stand a chance.
I don't understand why, but some people get upset when you drown them, throw them off of boats leaving the dock, or toss them off a cliff...

Oddly enough, some dumb warrior kept trying to duel me in the wetlands, waiting on the boat, so I MC'd him and got right on the edge of the dock, threatening to jump...right as the boat pulled up.

He actually got mad when I ran him out of distance so I'd win the duel.... until I told him I was going to make him miss the boat.
Before Shuranda and I came to the Dark Side, our guild (Horde pvp server) was going to take a guild photo. We decided to do this in the Wetlands, below the the dam, using it as a nice little backdrop for our photo. Well, when 40+ toons, all from the same guild, fly into Arathi, you tend to get peoples attention. One person was rather persistent and followed us all the way to the dam and wouldn't leave. There we were, all grouped up on a big rock above the first set a falls, trying to take a pic and this fool is jumpin' around and being a general pest. So one of our priests challenged him to a duel. His mistake. Bubble > MC > Run and jump off the falls > dead. It was a hoot. Everyone laughed so hard we almost didn't get the pic taken before he rezzed.
I'll readily admit that I like the ability way too much.

Once when I heard that Westfall was under attack, I went to check it out. Surprisingly, I was the only one that went to check it out. Apparently, there were three horde - a level 60 warrior and a very lowbie hunter and mage. I rightly assumed that the hunter and mage were getting people to duel them and /pvp /yield ing. It's an old trick to get people to go PvP, then the warrior would charge them and rip them to shreds.

I managed to sneak up to the three of them and get behind a tree. Targeting the warrior, I mind controlled him. I waited several seconds - his friends didn't seem to notice - and then proceeded to have the 60 murder both of them. Given the level difference, he/I accomplished that rather quickly.

Then I let him go and /bow

Of course, a 60 on 60 clash followed... and ever since I've had a great deal more empathy for non-epicly geared warriors...

Or maybe it's just that he was distracted trying to explain to his irate buddies in chat what happened...