Guild Cata Testing email


New Member
There was a contest for guilds to be a part of the Cataclysm Beta Testing, where you just needed a GL to write an email saying "Why you should pick our guild". Here was what I wrote...sadly, I never heard back from Blizz. :(

Why you should choose Redeemed for Cataclysm Guild Testing:

Top reason: You won't need a GM to monitor us!! Redeemed, from the Stonemaul server is one of the only Christian guilds that has been together since World of Warcraft first released. If you're really interested in getting the most variety of guilds, we would round out some of the more "difficult" to deal with groups, by ensuring that our members refrain from swearing, have positive attitudes, and act with the utmost integrity. Just like we currently do. Which means less work for the Blizzard staff! Could there be a better reason? I submit that there could NOT!

Shagz - Co-GL of Redeemed <stonemaul>
Might have wanted to put something in there about testing? :p

You could have mentioned that you have a certain guild member that likes obscure items, INSANE grinds, and exploration. I think they'd like me as a beta tester!