Guild Bank Repairs

Flame: thanks for pointing out that we're basically having an officer-chat subject in general chat :D. I hope you do see this as an "input" rather than a "force a decision" .

Haha - no problem man! It's about time for another officer meeting anyways, and I'll make sure this is on the agenda. Shooting for Saturday most likely.
Yar, I agree with Gilga. Even though our guild roster is maxed to 600 members; I doubt 100 of them are active players who play everyday. The 75 active seems about right. As someone mentioned, ppl will always be questing/raiding, so the guild will always be getting income as well.

I just wanted to add, many of us have ALOT of gold already, so I doubt many of us will be using the guild repair on a regular basis. I have enuff gold to repair like 1000 alts. :D I think opening the guild repair to everyone would help our raiders and low lvls (new players) more than anything. Also, if the guild bank starts to go broke, just close off guild repairs for a few months to build the funds back up.
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If I'm not mistaken the next skill up we have as a guild is to collect even more of a % of money as we quest and such...I'd say wait to open guild repairs until we get that. Raid nights should be open to the raiders for guild repairs imo :P

Wealth redistribution in WoW! :eek: