Growing in the LORD


New Member
I know that God's Word is the most 100%, absolutely, positively life changing Book the world has ever known. Next to that, I am wondering if you have books that have made a difference in your Christian walk and in your Christian growth and Spiritual understanding. To take it a step further, perhaps a sermon, or just someone's witness, an incident, or whatever the case may be, that has made a difference in your Spiritual life.
One of my favorite book's would have to be A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.
One of my favorite sermons was when the preacher started off by telling us to put Dear then our names at the beginning of Genesis 1, and to put With Love, Jesus, at the end of Revelations. This proclaiming the Bible His love letter to me!
The other sermon that has always stuck with me was the one about the Mother cross stitching. Her son sitting at her feet could only see a tangled web of cloth on the underside, but from above, a most beautiful picture! With this, Preacher made Romans 8:28 have new meaning.
I would appreciate your input. Have a great and wonderful week
Finding a good Bible teaching church that doens't sugar coat the messages and tells it like it is.
Having spiritual friends have helped the most. My best friend(and woman of my dreams) helps me grow and I help her grow. We both have God as the center of our lives and we feed off each others spiritual natures.
I was blessed with incredible spiritual rolemodels who keep me accountable. They are now my roommates, which is one of the greatest things to have happened to me spiritually.
I appreciate your input. I think what you are all describing speaks volumes about living for others. Even with a church that does not mince the truth, that takes dedication and courage in today's world!
(CCGR, I love the sonogram. I see a cherub with face and hands lifted to the LORD and His light shining on him/her?)
I guess I should start another post. I really want to know favorite Christian books, too.
1. Bible study groups. I think they are very important to your spiritual growth.

2. Pure Desire - A book written by a pastor on sexual addiction. If you or anyone you know has a problem with pornography or sexual promiscuity, this book is excellent.

Those two things have helped me grow along with a loving wife who cared enough to pray for me.

I think a couple of things are important.

The joy of discovery!
So many times things are spelt out for us, but we don't look for ourselves. Next time you hear something amazing on prayer, go read what you can about it, from as many sources as you can. different scriptures, commentaries etc. And really get some depth to your faith.

Be inspired. Go to an inspiring church. Hang with inspiring leaders in that church. Do things that are inspiring. Go scuba diving, rock climbing bush walking etc. get LIFE into you, and SEE what the Lord has done. Keep it infront of you.

Stay Hungry
The first sign of sickness in the body is lack of hunger. same with your spirit. So stay hungry for the things of God. Hang around others who are hungry.

So much of our faith is built WITH others. If i had to sum up christianity with a sentence. Its our relationship with God, and the reflection of that on others.

Be inspired, and inpire others

Our faith has to have give and take, God gives to us, we take it to others.

