Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas tagged with Adults Only 18+ ESRB rating

We probally shouldn't be killing in any game, but, which are you more likely to do, join a gang, or be a covert opps, one is more fantasy then another. And a covert opps, is PIAD to do that job, he is not killing innocent bystanders either. And i guess, its just your oppinion, some people might think that becuase someone did something bad, they diserve to die, like those people who bombed London, i personally, think they should die. And remember God flooded the earth for a purpase, to get rid of all the ungodly people. So, do you think that was wrong that he killed those people?

And sorry if i turned this into a religous discussion, but, when you start asking peoples opinions, its bound to happen.
If the moral standards being used to judge killing in videogames is based on stereotypical "good and evil" principles, then yes, the killing in Halo 2 is much more acceptable than the killing in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. However, if you're basing the killing on Biblical principles, niether are acceptable.

However, comparing the killing in videogames to Biblical principles is a topic more suited for a thread in the religious discussion section (at which point my Kung Fu Monkey from outer space would like to take the opportunity to sneeze at that silly regulation).

I need to address one thing though. God is infallible, and humans are not. Only God is capable of judging, as God alone is righteouss. We aren't allowed to kill evil people because God did, even if they're almost inherently evil, as they were just before the Flood. If this were true, congregations could pass out "boomsticks" at the door and could go door to door passing judgement down on heathens at their discretion.
We probally shouldn't be killing in any game, but, which are you more likely to do, join a gang, or be a covert opps, one is more fantasy then another. And a covert opps, is PIAD to do that job, he is not killing innocent bystanders either. And i guess, its just your oppinion, some people might think that becuase someone did something bad, they diserve to die, like those people who bombed London, i personally, think they should die. And remember God flooded the earth for a purpase, to get rid of all the ungodly people. So, do you think that was wrong that he killed those people?
I would probly do neither, games let u role play. Do something u probobly won't do in life.
I'm not christian but I guess if he did I think it is wrong. If he gave people freewill he should take it like a god and live with his decision. But I guess we're going far offtopic.

Its a video game its not real, so how can u justify what killing in games are good and what is bad.
Do u only watch movies where only the bad guys die and all the good guys live, because I'm not that big of a steven segal fan.
If [H]e gave people freewill [H]e should take it like a god and live with [H]is decision.

[added capitalization for easier reading]
So, okay, you play a game such as Medal of Honor. It's a very popular WWII game that involves killing (which, if memory serves, didn't have any gore at shoot them and they're dead). You play as an Allied soldier fighting against an Axis force. What's wrong with promoting good over evil?

Now you play GTA, still a popular game that also involves killing. You play as a gang member, murder innocent people, kill cops, and break multiple laws in the process. What's wrong with this picture?

Since we seem to be following this lead a bit, the Government promotes operations to dispose of an enemy force, but what they don't promote is gangs, murder, etc.
Its not really promoting good vs evil , most kids just like to shoot stuff. They don't care if your part of the allied force or if u're playing as a german/japanese soldier. Its not teaching kids about anything.

Games let u role play. So lets role play, your a gang member. Its not glorifying being in a gang. Just like CS isn't glorifying being a anti terrorist. It lets u play a role. People are forgeting that its a game.
I'm sry should I of put she instead of he. Like commons song what if god was a girl. :)


Are we getting off topic, instead of arguing if playing the game is good for u or not, lets go back to the rating. U might not like the game but it was rated mature, which means adults mostly. I think a 17 year old person is as mature as a 18. So it doesn't matter if violence is supposed to be good or bad. People who want to play it will play it, and people who are complainig about it have the choice to play something else.
No parent can complain about how they bought the game for their kid and how the sex is bad, because its a mature game, when u buy a mature game for your kid u should watch them and talk to them about whats happening in the game.
Games are making more money than movies, which means soon games will have the same budgets as big name movies. Which lets the gameing comps make the game more realistic.
I think we should save the argument of violence good or bad in games until Bulley comes out from rockstar, that should get more parent groups upset than GTA.
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scientific study:

Players are actually LESS LIKELY to commit acts of violence IF it is a PERSON VS PERSON, not PERSON VS COMPUTER.

Most particularly violent 1 PERSON PLAYER games are shown to be many times more harmful than multi-player games, depending on the multiplayer games... bototmline: single player violent games = more violent

multi-player interaction = less likely
Gandhi said:
Also how many spies or covert opps guys do u know to say its ok for them.

If i was a cover ops, i probably wouldnt tell you about it... i may... just may loose my job over it.

Anyway... I believe that God is living with his decision... we arent all dead yet are we??? GTA and other games have their share of problems, shooters in particular. GTA tends to have more of them... sex, drugs, gang wars, more drugs and sex, robbery, more drugs, grand theft auto, more... you get the point. Personally if i was a parent i would not let my kid get this game, and i would certainly NOT buy it for him. It is the parents fault... most stores ID kids when they wanna buy an M or higher rated game. I was IDed today when i bought HL2. I want to be the dad that tells the birds and the bees story. I dont want my kid to see it on the Tv first. It is morally wrong and very stupid if i must say so.
SilentAssassin said:
religious discussion?
Mm, I'll lock the thread if it gets out of hand. We've been over the "Is it okay for Christians to play violent video games" topic so many times that I'm not too concerned with tempers flaring out of control.

I try to limit the number of threads I move to Religious Discussion (1) out of respect for Genesis and other RD forum moderators and (2) to ensure that we tackle some difficult topics here in General Discussion. I don't ever want Religious Discussion to be viewed as a "waste bin" where I throw topics I don't want to deal with. This is a "borderline" thread, but if tempers stay cool, I'll leave it here and open.

Also, as Christian gamers, most, if not all, of us are going to get called on this issue at some time. We need to talk this out and develop answers to the inevitable questions we'll be asked.
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Lets do a vote since alot of us play violent games, how many people here have tried to imitate the violence they've seen in a game in real life.
[/QUOTE]Do u only watch movies where only the bad guys die and all the good guys live, because I'm not that big of a steven segal fan.
Well, i dont believe i have come along a movie where the good guys DONT win.
Well I guess your right, but there are movies where the good guy takes 10 guys with guns and walk off with out a scratch.
But take Oceans 11, or the Italian Job does that show kids that stealing is fun and cool, or is it just a movie/entertainment.

I was reading on this forum that for u to access this code u have to dl a patch that deletes a line of code in the game which allows u to access the mini game. And ESRB has said that the code was left in there by accident and wasn't intended to make it to the final copy. Which makes sence, I remember for the small programs I used to write in school the code would be pages long, think about how long the code for a game would be. And maybe originaly they wanted the scene in the game, but then decided to get rid of it because it would effect sales.
too much violent games can lead to a aggression like attitude (especialy for gta, thats why it sucks)
l33tben said:
too much violent games can lead to a aggression like attitude (especialy for gta, thats why it sucks)

And yet almost all the games I play contain violence in them. And I don't/or have ever had an aggresive attitude unless I get mad, but then everyone gets mad sometimes.
If we're concerned about the 17 to 18 rating jump, doesn't the 18+ rating mean that it's only available at "adult" stores, then?

I like the sig in that Neoseeker thread:

"they discovered that GTA:SA contains hidden sex scenes and parents were outraged. the parents said: we bought our kids the game for its violent car jackings, not sex" - conan o'brien
SirThom said:
If we're concerned about the 17 to 18 rating jump, doesn't the 18+ rating mean that it's only available at "adult" stores, then?

I like the sig in that Neoseeker thread:

No it means that most stores woun't sell it. but that doesn't matter since Rockstar is re-releasing it with the code removed so that will have an M rating.
[]phantom said:
No it means that most stores woun't sell it. but that doesn't matter since Rockstar is re-releasing it with the code removed so that will have an M rating.
Ah, okay. I remember Wal Mart, Best Buy, and Target and others pulled the game pretty directly.
I tried to go to the video store to see if I can buy the old version for a discount but they said no.
Good thing I have it on my hard drive. :)

U got to wonder what other code was left on games. But I got to say its great to know that GTA can't be rented at Rogers Video, but I can go rent Leisure Suite Larry, and The Guy Game. One has the option to buy nude skins, and the other u play to unlock videos made on spring break. And they're reated M, not AO.
Gandhi said:
I tried to go to the video store to see if I can buy the old version for a discount but they said no.
Good thing I have it on my hard drive. :)

U got to wonder what other code was left on games. But I got to say its great to know that GTA can't be rented at Rogers Video, but I can go rent Leisure Suite Larry, and The Guy Game. One has the option to buy nude skins, and the other u play to unlock videos made on spring break. And they're reated M, not AO.

Actually the fact that you can still get the Guy Games is weird. That game is now official illegal because it contains underage pornogrphy. So technically if you rent this game you are breaking the law. And as for Leisure Suit Larry (which really isn't even Larry in the new one) you have the option to buy the nude skins. The game doesn't contain the code for them so basically you are buying a mod that adds the code in.