Going through surgery Friday


New Member
Keep me in your prayers. I'm going through a fairly extensive foot operation Friday morning. There are two bones under the ball of your foot... one of mine was supposed to have been removed 10 years ago because it was crushed in a bad wreck and in pieces. I've still had crippling pain in that foot ever since then and the doctor I had seen just said it was nerve damage basically.

Well, monday I had another doctor look at xrays of the foot and find a fairly large piece of the bone still in there and right under the ball of my foot where I have the majority of my pain.

He will have to cut the bottom of my foot open for this operation whereas the doctor before went in from the top. It will make it a much longer recovery. He will almost have to pull apart the joint there to get all the pieces out.

I'm also diabetic and have blood pressure that is out of control (I'm on 7 blood pressure medicines to get it down to the high side of normal range). I'm just very scared about being knocked out with all the medicines i'm on and my medical history. I also had a stroke last Labor Day weekend.

BUT I'm willing to do this if it allows me to walk normal again and do many of the things I've not been able to do for years.

I know that God will be with me along with my family and friends but it never hurts to have all the prayers I can get.

Also, pray for my daughter (Unchained in Redeemed) as she is very scared about me going into another operation and being in the hospital again.


Stonemaul Server
just wanted to post an update. Everything went well. I had a lot of people praying for me and I actually felt quite at peace before going into the operating room. The surgery took less time than anticipated and now it's just healing time.

Thanks all! God Bless!