God, we thank you for....


Tribe of Judah Guild Wars Chapter Leader
As the new year comes along a lot of people think back. What are we thankful and what are our New Years Resolutions? and post more than once if more comes to you!

I'm thankful for:
My friends on GW
Peace in my life
My iPod
My Phone
A roof over my head
a place to sleep
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Thank you Lord for letting me give my family another wonderful Christmas, full of joy and happiness. Thank you for another fruitful year under your grace. And thank you for letting me watch my children grow, and cherish my wife; daily. Thank you for every opportunity and every open window, and thank you for closing the doors not in your will; making it easy to walk in your grace. Thank you for the love in our hearts and peace in our minds. Thank you for the strength to do your will and the strength not to sway. Thank you for the forgiveness when we do sway. Thank you for curing our blindness and untieing our tongues; so we may see the truth and speak the truth. Thank you for your eternal gift, and your sacrifice.

-Forever your humble servant,
God bailed me out in a big way just these last couple weeks. I had ditched my car and was flat broke, $10 to my name. The tow company took that last ten and sent me on my way. I had no money for gas, food, nothing. I started praying as I finished deliveries on my paper route for anything, ANYTHING that would get me enough gas to get to work the next day. As I finished the route, there was a Christmas card and a $10 tip from one of my customers. The next day, another ten from a different customer, and the next day, 2 different tips. I know that some people tip their paper carriers, so it wasn't outside the realm of possibility, prayer or not, but the TIMING of this couldn't have been more perfect.

All of this comes at a very difficult time, which I won't go into here. But not only was I able to get to work and buy groceries and whatnot, I was also able to get my son something for Christmas, something that without the generosity of people that I just started delivery for last month I wouldn't have been able to do.

I guess all of this goes as proof that God answers prayers even as we ask Him. He provides for the needs of His people, and all we can do is be grateful to Him.
There are tons of things in my life that are totally awesome, but right now I'm going to say the internet. Why?

Through the internet, I have met so many really incredible people. In my RL, I am surrounded by either unbelieving family or by casual friends who don't get me. In some case, they connect with me in terms of faith, but really don't see how I could have any opportunity to do something good for God through, for instance, DragonCon. Alternately, they love the same weird geeky stuff I do, but aren't practicing Christians, or perhaps not even Christians at all. Since becoming active on forums, I've met many people who understand that you can be a Christian AND a geek/gamer/scifi-fantasy fan; it's not either-or. And I've become very close friends with several of them!

Plus, the internet has contributed in a big way to my creative growth. First, I've starting creating post art, avatars, siggies, and even website graphics. More than that, I've connected with other creative people, some like me and some very, very different. I'm involved in art and craft swaps on several forums, so that keeps me creating, too.

And that's not even counting all the Bible study and other resources on the internet that have helped me expand my mind and my knowledge.

So yay for the internet. And yay for everyone who has contributed to my experience of it. And yay for God, because He's so cool that He can use it for all types of good!