God Is Great

jesus is the answer to all things

what is 932084 X 4 / 999999999999999999 ???

lol, i should do that next time in Alg2/Trig class.
My teacher asks a huge confusing question.. or a proof! Ya.. proof will do nice. and then she ask's for the asnwer and someone should yell JESUS! Then run out the door yelling and run into a tree...
ok well, the tree and the running isnt nessecary..
Thank you for the much needed reminder :) This post reminded me of a bumper sticker i saw today, which made me smile. It read: Why Worry? God is in control. It was kind of a slap in the face; since I was actually in the process of worrying about something.
Thank you for the much needed reminder :) This post reminded me of a bumper sticker i saw today, which made me smile. It read: Why Worry? God is in control. It was kind of a slap in the face; since I was actually in the process of worrying about something.

:) cool, gotta love how God works.
ok, this was kind of funny. After i made the previous post I was going to go on GW and post something similar on allaiance chat. So, as I was launching GW, I said "ha take that Satan". lol then Satan promptly crashed my computer and broke my script to launch GW. It was funny. Not his most successful (since I was in a great mood) attack but funny :D
ok, this was kind of funny. After i made the previous post I was going to go on GW and post something similar on allaiance chat. So, as I was launching GW, I said "ha take that Satan". lol then Satan promptly crashed my computer and broke my script to launch GW. It was funny. Not his most successful (since I was in a great mood) attack but funny :D

lol, have u gotten GW to work yet?