Glad to meet you all


New Member
Hi all. Jeff here, although I will usually post with my WoW main's name, Nijole. Thank you for the welcome and let me say its a true blessing to find a community of Christians who enjoy gaming. Aside from playing WoW I am also active in my church, Southern Baptist (please no dancing jokes LOL) and spend lots of time with my family. Personal information may not come out to fast with me as I am also in law enforcement and old habits are kinda hard to break but with this group i just might lighten up a bit. :)
Regarding WoW I play currently on the Suramar PvE server and Nijole is a 70 Gnome Rogue, mostly Kara and some PvP geared. Currently our guild (Feudal lords of Valhalla) has Kara on farm and can take Gruul most tries. I have considered moving realms but not too certain whats out there.
Again thanks for the welcome and I look forward to meeting as many Christian gamers as possible. ;)
Moderator's note: Message in moderation queue approved.

Welcome to the forums, Jeff!

Be sure to check out our extensive set of WoW forums under the Tribe of Judah heading. We have an Alliance guild (Redeemed) and a Horde guild (Mustard Seed Conspiracy).

Remember: The Horde isn't evil. Just misunderstood.
Welcome Jeff! I'm not into WoW so much - I play Team Fortress 2 and head up that chapter - but wanted to welcome you to the community anyways!
I play WoW, however, my play time has decreased has of recent, but it should pick back up in a week or so... :) ...hope to have ya in Redeemed!