Getting going

Another thing I thought of. As for cash we are on an exchange server which means it is legal to buy and sell game objects, characters and cash. This is not for everyone but I decided for me because I wanted to craft with multiple characters that I would go ahead and buy some plat. Kind of felt like i was cheating myself of some of the game but i decided for me my time was better spent questing and crafting and not worrying about making cash.

Here is the link for that site if you are interested.
I work late tonight but hope to get on around 9 cst for an hour. I leveld up and got all the items for the quest. Now it wants me to make a candleabra. Do I need to go hunt for raw mats again?
I am also going to run by the store if I get a chance and get a headset with a mic, less typing that way. If not I can at least use headphones tonight.
Two things...

Once you become a member of the guild (2 weeks, and I think 7000 GSP) you then have access to the Depot in our guild hall, so if you do tradeskills in our guild hall, you only need rares, if any are required...well, that and fuel, but we have a fuel merchant as well...and fuels are cheap...hehe...

Also, I tried to send you a tell last night but it didn't seem like you got it...I was going to tell you I forgot I reset my tradeskill and don't really have the skill to make you anything good when it comes to armor...and if you get 50p you will be set...for a long time...first thing first though...go buy a mount...40% works really well...
Well I broke down and got inexpensive headphones and mic for the game. I also bought 70 plat. Plat was not there as of this morning so not sure how long that takes. The chat text I will need help with, trying to figure all that out. Should have time to play over the holiday!
You will need to go back to the liver gamer site and send it to a character...sometimes the auto send to a character feature doesn't work...
If they ever make an idiots guide to EQ2 I promise I'll but one. Tonight I will hook up the headset and get some poor guild member to help me get the interface set. I think after that I should be fine for at least 10 minutes or so. I also may need help leveling. I have 1 more week to get 5 levels for that quest. Oh and Xion did you ever get what you were supposed to get for referring someone?
Yes, I did get the stuff...if you type /claim you should have some stuff too... Also, I would love to get on and help you out and level you and show you places...but I can barely move my right wrist right now, and typing hurts...hehe...had a rollerblade accident... I think the guild leaders are getting back tomorrow...possibly...
Made 20

I made level 20 over the weekend. On a personal note keep me in your prayers, my job may be ending soon and with a family to support I'm not sure what to do. Turning this one over to God.
Praying for you Counselor. I'm in the same boat, but farther along the process than you. I will encourage you by saying that God has shown up in amazing ways to provide for us in spite of what 'walking merely by sight' would lead one to expect. He's good!