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o0o triple post! spam! oh and no I didnt win, I didnt loose, I just pwn.

next person hates boring football games, yes there is different categories.
Yeah. but you should check out the "What is this thread about again?" thread over at FFC. It's apporaching 1000 PAGES. :eek:

Nevermind, just checked, and it's at 1009. :eek:

Next person thinks Revelation is a really cool book.
And that's 15,126 posts, by the way. I make up about 2.5% of the topic. (I used to be up near 8%, but then I got involved with TechnoChicks.)

And I agree; Revelation rocks! God wins. :)

Next person finds Thrawn's favorite book, Song of Solomon, quite interesting! ;)
i ate so many fig newtons when i was in second grade that i don't care if i ever see another fig

next person likes Dairy Queen Blizzards!!!!
Ugh. I haven't liked McDonald's since I was about 7 years old, when I was young enough to buy into the hype machine. Now my 3 year old constantly asks about "Uncadonald's". Chili's FTW.

Next person has, or has had within the past year, a cavity in a tooth.
lol yes you are, (dont worry i'm, doing it right now, and did it today on GW :P) PROCRASTINATERS UNITE>>> TOMMAROW!

np. knows that school is for squares (im a circle!)
what work day? running on 2 hours of sleep is fun :P

np consideres this weird.

In the course of procrastinating to write a paper, I seemingly completed several hours of homework in half the normal time, opened 2 new projects on sourceforge out of nowhere, switched my window manager twice, developed a new appreciation for staring at the ceiling, and best of all developed an appreciation for writing entirely complex scripts.

It is amazing how much I will do to avoid writing a paper :eek:
Ahh I remember those days, no sleep, lots of procrastinating, and endless hours of starcraft. It is weird but normal for college.

np thinks if vibrokatana does not do something soon he is going to get a big fat F on his paper.