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wrong, youve been nerfed like 5x times lol

next person will own a chop saw.
Wrong. Only saw I own is a hacksaw, because my father-in-law owns every type of saw I could ever need. (And I do mean I would ever need.)

The next person to post is younger than I am. (thirty-three)

the next person will explain to me what nerf really means because all i know is it pertains to messing something up... or something like that -.-
'nerfing' something is making a normally sort-of-easy and profitable task harder or in the case of a build making it less efficient. In rare cases, they take something hard to begin with and make it nigh-impossible (like Lornar's Pass)
ok i figured.
so then how can arch angel be nerfed? -.o

and the next person to read this will probably not forget to put the "next person" thing like C$ *cough* C$ *cough*

More on nerfing: in the broader sense, "nerf" means to make harmless, like a Nerf football or dart.

The next person will be able to tell me the origin of this quote:
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."
actually i hate homestarrunner

the next person plays/played resident evil

I played the original Resident Evil on the Playstation.

The next person hates Monking for Henchies
Oh so true. I'm not very experienced monking, and for henchies..I just feel useless!

And on the quote:
It's a takeoff on Gandalf's famous line, "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger."

The next person will know more about The Lord of the Rings than C$!
Most likely! :D
Actually, my first encounter with the quote was one of the Star Wars Galaxies community relations people who had it in her forum sig. Along with a cool GIF of a dragon eating a wizard.

Next person...reads GU Comics.
Right! At 18 and single, I have a whopping 0 children. :D

It's a webcomic about MMORPGs. (Today's comic was a bit on the inappropriate side. Normally they're pretty good though.)

Does anyone truly know MM? Well, Paul might. At least, he would if he were real. But alas, he's just a figment of her imagination. As are we all. ;)

Next person know what the heck I'm talking about.
Yes, unfortunately I do know what you are talking about. :p

The next person almost never visits the ToJ website.

The ToJ website is the easiest way for me to get to these I always go there :) (it's easy to remember

The next person thinks that monking for MOST...not all...Assasins is worse than monking for Henchies.
n00b IWAY W LFG HoH!

I very rarely go to the ToJ site. I always just type in Lot quicker than navigating.

Next person is bored at work. :p