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only college ball

the next person hates TPS reports

Next person would be glad if I declared that minions were no longer mere figments of my imagination like most of the rest of the guild but did, in fact, actually exist.
Yes, some...I have eclectic tastes.

The next person should be getting ready for church instead of lurking here. :)

Next person would be glad if I declared that minions were no longer mere figments of my imagination like most of the rest of the guild but did, in fact, actually exist.


Janc's right lol. I still have 40 minutes though, so I'm not in a rush.

The next person thinks that Anberlin is a good band.
Anberlin or Amberlin? either way they are ok not I dont think they are awesome.

Next Person just got home from church
Anberlin, with an N. They're alright.
I got home about 40 minutes or so ago. Close enough though.

Next person's computer is being frustrating...

EDIT: Oh, and notice that MM never actually made the decree, but rather asked in a hypothetical sense whether we'd be glad if she did. We're still figments. :p
I have been to DC! Back when I was in 11th grade to study a bunch of DNA stuff that I have since forgotten.

Next person has watched the Band of Brothers HBO mini-series.