Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

right, pvp sucks in gw, LONG LIVE WoW!

the next person thinks im wrong
right GW way better
next person thinks MM is the True leader of the guild and is slowly requiting minions to her cause.

I think she is the only meber of the guild and the rest of us are figments of her imagination.

The next person feels like they just entered the twilight zone.
Of course. And with me as Head Minion, her plans are unstoppable! Mwahahahahah!

Next person wants to be a minion.
WRONG! Spam is too much fun. Mmmm, spam.

Ummmm...the next person needs to update their signature.
right, i rarely do use em

the next person has nun-chuck skillz or computer hacking skillz, cuz girls only want guys with skillz
LOL Wrong, Atown. And I prefer guyz with different l33t piano skillz, for instance.

The next person should be doing something else instead of checking this thread...
Probably. Oh crap, I just realized I left my thumb drive at home, so I can't work on my church's web site. Doh. :mad:

Next person had pizza within the last 3 days.