Get to Know the Guildies Thread

Name: Tim
Age: 18
Home: Sunnyvale, CA
In-Game guild: SoE
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE
Primary Character: Speaker of the Moon
Some other chars I have: Jsus Saves, Preach the Word, Barber of Sevilla, Holy Tree Hugger

Ping me with interesting Bible facts and I'll reward you!!!!
Name: Steve
Age: 44
Other info: Married, 2 sons (21 & 15) & 3 daughters (19, 16, & 2). Also foster/adoptive family through CPS
Home: Pearland, TX
In-Game guild: SOE
Position: Newb
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE for now
Primary Character: Pedirn Cristiano (hunter)
PvE Goals: Get through prophecies for the 1st time, learning as I go
Hey peeps.
Name: Dusty aka Duck
Age: 22
Other info: going to college and workin
Home: Tennessee
In-Game guild: SoE
Position: N00b
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE monsters smell funny
Primary Character: The Dustroyer (misspelled on purpose)
PvE Goals:try to not get beat like a tied up goat.
Name: Luke (Like the Biblical Luke- not Lucas)
Age: 18
Other info: Just starting college. I love board games. I like reading. I love writing. I've written two books and a few short stories, the first book was kinda short, the second... not so much. Started GW a bit over two years ago.
Home: Minnesota, land of the frozen and home of the skeeter.
In-Game Guild: FoG, at the moment.
Position: Officer. But it seems that every person I recruit is actually a Christian-Hater, and then I have to kick them out...
PVE/PvP Preferance: PvE. I love taking on hordes of monsters with just a small group...
Primary Character: No idea. Torez the Hunter, Kelu the Swift, Orrin Jent are the three I have probably done the most with.
PvE goals: Start my Missionary guild, try some more of the EOTN dungeons, get some titles up... and get more prestige armor. Current full sets of prestige armor: Ele:1 'Sin:1 Para:3 soon to be Warrior:1
Get the sweet tooth title, and max out the Unlucky title.
Name: Chuck
Age: 42
Other info: Married, 1 daughter 2 yrs old
Home: San Diego, CA
In-Game guild: SoE
Position: Newblet
PvE/PvP preferences: Both
Primary Character: Melchiz Edek - Mo/Me L9

Recently returned to GW after a very long hiatus (2+ years). Dele'd all chars and starting over with a Monk. Currently at ~1,300 hours over the last 52 months of /age. Very happy to have found a group of believers to enjoy the game with.

PvE Goals/PvP Goals: Relearn the game for now.
Name: Spencer Barnes-Israel
Age: 25
Other info: Married, no youngins (a dog, does he count?)
Home: Greensburg, IN
In-Game guild: Spirit of Elisha
Position: Guild Member at Large
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE, but am starting PvP
Primary Character: Nimrod the Gallant, P/W
Haven't completed any campaigns yet as I'm a full-time college student/full-time employee with seemingly no "fun" time.

PvE Goals: Finish Nightfall campaign then finish the others in no particular order.
PvP Goals: Die less. ;)

Contact: Either PM here, AIM: SpckRnnr, or XFire: sbarnesi.
Name: Jonathan
Age: 20
Home: Fairbanks, Alaska
In-Game guild: SOE
Position: Newbie Member
PvE/PvP preferences: PVE
Primary Character: Keero Spengler - Ritualist

PvE Goals: To actually complete a campaign.

PvP Goals: Not be a FOTM player. :p
Okay ... updates!

Name: Kim(berly)
Age: 21 (but I'll be 22 in two months)
Occupation: Student. I recently changed majors from nursing to english and secondary education. Needles scare me to death. So does blood. Antiseptics make me gag. Nursing just wasn't my thing. HOWEVER, I love the written language and the more written assignments and reading, the better. Education is just my fall back in case I can't publish or be an editor--or whatever God wants me to be.
Other info: I'm single and intend to stay that way for awhile. I've had enough of boys when it comes to being 'more than friends'. It just doesn't seem worth it. My dad is Aleron and he plays guild wars. I have a brother who is five years younger than me, and a mom who puts up with A LOT from the three of us. I like music and my tastes vary, and I'm a part time artist. You can check out my works on Etsy @
Home: Colorado Springs, CO

In-Game guild: SOE
Position: Member
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE

Primary Character: Airiana Raien. Although I don't play GW a whole ton anymore. I'm really liking Aion. But if there's a month where I can't afford the $15 fee ... I'll probably be on GW.

PvE Goals: I don't even know @_@. I got so bored with GW.

PvP Goals: Hahaha ... ha. No.

EDIT: I have a maine coon named Mai Ling (Chinese: "Beautiful Sound of Jade") who is my behbeh.
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Hello, nice to meet you.

Hello everyone.
I just got signed up with SOE and I'm hoping to be an active part of this guild.
My primary character is Josiah Judah right now a rit/mo I'm still finishing up Prophecies and nightfall with him though.

Personally, I'm a 31 year old father of two. Been married 10 years back in October. Consequentially the most common time you'll find me online is late at night on Friday and Saturday. And any other times are scattered all over.

I played GW extensively when Prophecies came out. Once factions came out though, I hated it. I didn't play for about 3 years and got back into it a few months ago and bought Nightfall. I still don't have GWEN yet but I'll get it after I finish up everything with JosJud.

I look forward to meeting some of you online.

PS my name is Frank.
preacher here... in game im known as thwei kvvar... pronounced [Th-way Ka var] or just call me T.K.
Erik is the name.. been playing for awhile but im not great.. i do pve mostly but if theres pple who want to do some AB or somethin ill join ya.
my favorite thing to do is FOW and UW trips with guildies. especialy when your all in teamspeak hangin out.
ive done the deep 2 times but never finished it. havent done urgoz yet. so i'd like to do that.
right now im working on finishing nightfall with all of my charecters. i have 1 rit in GWEN but she's stuck on the mountain heart quest.

i love my spellcasters.. i deleted my warrior and decided monk wasnt for me..
i have a derv thats fun but thats because of the spike build i have.
anyway, my x fire is: thweikvvar
msn is

Name: David
Age: 38
Home: North Alabama
In Game guiled: SoE
Position: member
PvE/ PvP: I like PvE i mostly solo with the Henchmen. I am returning from a long lay off.
Character: Lynk Trueshot R/Mo

RL: i work on a golf course, have two girls, been marrided 8 year and love my Church family
Hello Folks,

IGN for my main toon is Shalom Seeker, returning to GW after about a year away, and to be honest, only played for about 3 months before going back to EQ with some RL friends. I've decided I just cannot justify spending the $30/mon for my two EQ accounts, but I'm not ready to give up gaming altogether, nor do I want to go through the hassle of F2P decided to give GW another shot. Thoroughly enjoying it, even more than the last time, so hoping to be around for a good while. Working on progressing through expansions (currently doing Nightfall) and getting my crew geared up and spelled out. Still have a lot to learn about item customization and gameplay, so totally up for some tutoring. Playing a Earth E/A with a PVE Warder Build, liking it pretty well, but as I said, completely up for suggestions.

IRL I'm Brandon, 26, married and father to a 8 week old. That stuff keeps me pretty busy, but I usually play after everyone else is in bed, late night CST. My background is in Youth Ministry and I have a degree in it, and I currently work with a non-profit that focuses on homeless and runaway youth. (However, I have an interview tomorrow with a different non-profit, really hoping to make a job change soon)

Ok, so I can be a bit wordy...gonna shut it off now. I look forward to meeting you all in game.

Grace and Peace,
Welcome - and praying for your job interview. You should post your request in the general forum so others would know to pray.

Let us know how it turns out.
lynk trushot - I lived in Huntsville for a couple of years when I worked with NASA. Were you anywhere near there?

Oh yeah - welcome, too.
Howdy folks! I'm not really new, but I have been away from the forums for awhile and my GW activity is inconsistent at best, so I figured this would be appropriate ;)

Name: Dave
Age: 30
Other info: Married (to the real Lady Cordelia Anne)
Home: West Virginia, USA
In-Game guild: SOE
Position: servant
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE, though I have been known to dabble in PvP
Primary Character: Lady Cordelia Anne - L20 Me/A

PvE Goals: Hit Rank 4 of kind of a big deal, complete my Hall of Monuments
Hi there

Name: Ursen
Age: Irrelevant, or irreverant take your pick.
Location: Deep up the holler on a hillside in Eastern Time zone.
With 22 characters I won't list them all unless requested. But they all have a mind of thier own, especially Ursina Cristeen. When in doubt if it is me just ask for Ursen.
For personal reasons I do not pvp in any form.
Ursina is the only one to have completed all 3 campaigns and EOTN, so has access to all areas. But several others are getting there including Real Home Cooking and Slow and Shakey.
Have maxed 5 titles, and chasing others. The real passion though is making Survivors. Currently 5 Survivors, 1 Indomitable Survivor, and a legendary Assassin Survivor. Plus a handful of survivors that got the titles then died. Been playing over 3 years, and still struggling to understand the game and step beyond mediocrity. I will gladly support anyone in a mission or quest, but don't like to lead except on a few of them. I am looking forward to playing with others who share my faith and life philosophy.:)
btw I am a member of The Salvation Army.
God grant you peace, joy, grins and giggles,