General Rules/Charter/About Us - Redeemed-WAR - OPEN BETA INFORMATION


Active Member
Here are some general rules that the officers have developed over the past few days for Redeemed: Warhammer Online.

Note: These rules may change with little or no warning, and it is each members own responsibility to keep themselves up to date with the rules.

All members will be expected to follow them.

Here they are:

1. Must be a Tribe of Judah member to join.
2. Must be 18 years or older, unless supervised by a parent or older family member in the guild. (leadership has a right to accept any younger audience members that are a part of ToJ and have a proven track record of following rules\showing maturity)
3. Must follow the rules of conduct as set forth below.

Rules of Conduct

Section 1: Cheating

cheat 1. v.t. to trick or deceive. v.i. to play a game not according to the rules

Cheating, in any form, will not be tolerated. Use of hacks, use of dummy accounts to promote oneself on any ladder system, or any other method of cheating is grounds for immediate dismissal from the chapter.

Section 2: Profanity & Obscenity

profane v.t. to treat (something sacred) with irreverence

obscene adj. that which morally corrupts

Members who use profane and/or obscene language will receive reprimands. If the conduct continues, the member will be dismissed from the chapter.

Section 3: Hostility

hostility adj. unfriendliness

Members who display open hostility (i.e. "trash talking") towards other members or non-members will be reprimanded. If the hostile behavior continues, the member will be dismissed. This law also encompasses gossip. This law does NOT apply to playful competitive language.

Section 4: False Accusations

Any member found to purposely bring false accusations of conduct stated above will be immediately dismissed from the group.

Section 5: Witnessing & Encouragement

encourage v.t. to give courage or confident to; to raise the hopes of; to help on by sympathetic advice and interest; to advise and make it easy for (someone to do something); to promote, stimulate; to strengthen (a belief or idea)

All members are encouraged to witness to non-Christians, whether through open conversation or by the example of their conduct. All members should also encourage and uplift their fellow members.

Section 6: Summary

"'Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?' Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.'"

Matthew 22:36-40 (NKJV)
People interested in joining should complete the following steps:

  1. Go to and click "Join" in the upper left hand corner of the page.
  2. Fill out the membership questionnaire and be sure to mark your gaming interests in role playing (this will make it easier for an officer to locate your name).
  3. The recruiters will look in the registry for your name (please use one they will find you by) and at that point, if you have been accepted into ToJ and there are no other seen issues, you will be invited into Redeemed: Warhammer.
Redeemed: Warhammer - Age of Reckoning Ventrilo Information:

  • Address:
  • Port: 4304

About us
We are the Redeemed!

With the success we have seen, Tribe of Judah has decided to expand on our Redeemed guild in WoW and create a sister guild in WAR. Tribe of Judah is a Christian based community, providing a fun, clean, family oriented atmosphere for christian gamers alike. Redeemed is made up of members who have played in MMORPGS since the days of DAoC, and who are bringing those skills to create a competitive, organized and streamlined quality to the guild. We have seen many big raids in DAoC, experienced tons of end-game content in WoW, and are ready now for battle in WAR. Waaagh!

We are looking for new recruits and would love to have you join us. If you are interested, please go to and fill out the application form. Once you have received your confirmation email, please get in touch with an officer from our guild to gain your invite.

Some things that you can expect from our guild:

1. Members can expect to be greeted upon login, even as we grow we want everyone to feel welcome.
2. Members can expect to make many new friends if they are willing to step outside their smaller circle and play with all of the guild members.
3. Members can expect a guild chat that is kept clean and edifying. Some playing around and dissing is fun but insults and degradation should never happen towards a family\guild member.

There are also certain things members should not expect the guild or members of the guild to do. These things include but are not limited to power leveling, being twinked or receiving hand-outs. Members of the guild should think about how they can better help the guild as a whole before they receive such bonuses.

Members who demand such services can expect to be dealt with swiftly as guild leaders take pride in their guild.

1 Timothy 4:12
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

Titus 2:7
In everything set them an example by doing what is good.

Redeemed - Warhammer BETA INFORMATION!

  • The 'official' faction of Redeemed - Warhammer is Order.
  • For the Open Beta of Warhammer Online (September 5th though the 14th) we urge you to find a character you enjoy playing on the Order side.
  • We will be playing on the Abhorash server for the duration of the open beta and then moving to Karaka Drak for launch. (subject to change)

We have a new website at Go check it out and participate.

Finally, we are running with a skeleton crew for the open beta. We will not have all of the officer positions filled and they may not even be available from August 15th through September 18th. All of this will be implemented after September 18th. The current officers (Baddwin, Ewoksrule, Icthus, FJ, Wall and Odale) will handle invitations into the open beta guild, as the members will consist of ToJ members only, with very, very few exceptions; and as always, leadership has the final say so. If you believe you have certain qualities that are required for a certain officer position after the open beta, do not hesitate to inquire about them!

Please visit this thread more to stay up to date!
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There have not been many ideas thrown around to help perspective members join if they are not members of ToJ. I am sure that once more ideas are thrown around, that it will operate similarly to how it has operated in the past.

Since the rules are still in the works, all of this may very well change.
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I have been tracking the progress of this chapter for sometime now, and believe I would like to join Redeemed when WAR launches. I read the rules and understand that I have to be a member of ToJ before being considered for membership. Where do I go to begin my quest to join Redeemed in WAR?

Thank you and God bless.
Go to and click "Join" in the upper left hand corner of the page.

Fill out the membership questionnaire and be sure to mark your gaming interests as role playing.

The recruiters will look in the registry for your name (please use one they will find you by) and at that point, if you have been accepted into ToJ, you will be invited into Redeemed: Warhammer.
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http://www.toj.ccGo to and click "Join" in the upper left hand corner of the page.

Fill out the membership questionnaire and be sure to mark your gaming interests in role playing and MMO's.

The recruiters will look in the registry for your name (please use one they will find you by) and at that point, if you have been accepted into ToJ, you will be invited into Redeemed: Warhammer.

Heh, I wish I would have read this about 5 minutes ago; I just put in a membership request, as you suggest, with one notable exception-I did not mark anything in the "interest" area for a couple of reasons. 1) the form looked like it was "broken" with two section headings but nothing under the second heading, and 2) I saw the first checkbox said "console" and then there were gaming types listed beneath so I thought it was asking what console gaming types I was interested. I don't recall even seeing an MMO checkbox come to think of it.

Think it'll matter?
http://www.toj.ccGo to and click "Join" in the upper left hand corner of the page.

Fill out the membership questionnaire and be sure to mark your gaming interests in role playing and MMO's.

The recruiters will look in the registry for your name (please use one they will find you by) and at that point, if you have been accepted into ToJ, you will be invited into Redeemed: Warhammer.

I submitted my app under user name salty1. Thanks all.
Both were approved on the ToJ site, making you both eligible (as long as your both over 18 which from your testimonies I believe you are) to join the Warhammer group. Read up on the other threads here and keep tuned in as we make more announcements.
well as of now i wont be even considering buying it just cause i can never find odale so i can see whats going on...... WTB ODALE TIME
Fie dolla.

You are in good standing and were in Redeemed: World of Warcraft.

So unless you spam too much, you are fine. :P