Gay Pastors? what next


New Member
This entire subject makes me sick, the Idea that anyone would even think for a second that it is "OK" for a openly homosexual to be in any level of leadership in a church is sickning to me.

If my church EVER allowed even a homosexual to be in charge of youth ministry, or ANY leadership I would leave immidiately. One of the things I heard on the radio was that one of his arguments for getting into the chruch was "the bible is from a culture that is irrelivant to us"

That is what our church leaders is saying? as far as I am concerned Episcopal`s are no different than Mormons or Jehovawitnesses now, they are lost and need a savior.
But, like, ohmygosh, they're all tho thuper! Why would you want to leave? Ah! Did you feel hurt my thomething they did?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (www_rlxc_com @ Aug. 07 2003,12:26)]This entire subject makes me sick, the Idea that anyone would even think for a second that it is "OK" for a openly homosexual to be in any level of leadership in a church is sickning to me.

    If my church EVER allowed even a homosexual to be in charge of youth ministry, or ANY leadership I would leave immidiately. One of the things I heard on the radio was that one of his arguments for getting into the chruch was "the bible is from a culture that is irrelivant to us"

   That is what our church leaders is saying? as far as I am concerned Episcopal`s are no different than Mormons or Jehovawitnesses now, they are lost and need a savior.
I would never leave a church that had a gay minister. I would be protesting it every day at every mass at every chance I got.

A gay minister defiles the symbol of Jesus and his bride, the church.
here here to CnDbacon, i wouldnt leave but instead STAY and protest and show them that they are WRONG scriptually, and iw ouldnt leave will i was thrown out, even then i would rally enough ppl against them they would want to have him steep down becuase that is just so wrong in so many ways.
I couldn't believe it when I heard it on the radio ... nearly rear-ended another car in traffic .....had to confess my inappropriate use of language (!) ...

Sorry. But I would ditch the church that actually allowed the minister and then write against it (because I write better than I talk). Kinda like Veritas.
"No no no no, guys...Christ taught us to be understanding...I mean, culturally, having a gay pashtur, would help us sooooo much! I mean, think how many openly, actively gay "Christians" could come and hear God's word better!" Think how much doctrine we'll have to rewrite now! Holy geez crap cassandrole! What's up with this world? This "predominantly" religious one, I hear, at that. Next up they'll be seeing Islam and Christianity are no different...wait. Already are.
1. I laughed out loud at Slam's post. Good job on that, lol.

2. Our pastor has been getting pretty heated about the whole homosexual minister thing. He'll stop a sermon about discipleship or God's healing to go on about it. I understand his point, and even agree....

I've kinda gotten the point tho. Isn't there a point when we move on? Don't know.

3. There are alot of "churches" that are just places that people can go to say that they're "christians." I gotta wonder if those aren't the ones that are saying "there's nothing wrong with having homosexual pastors lead us." Just a thought.
Bay Area Fellowship of CC, TX is kinda like that. You can go, say you're a Christian, and be entertained for an hour by a "pastor" before going back to work. It's kinda like a break from work or college or school to go and BE entertained. That's what kind of "church" Bay Area is. Pathetic. But it rakes in moolah, oh yeah. Why? Shallow Christians are paying Christians! Ignorant Christians are hooked Christians! That's why!
And, yes, there is a point to move on from history, just like there's a point to stop professing the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
lol, I'm not saying stop saying homosexuality is wrong. It is. There's nothing else really to say about it. It's wrong. It's been spelled out as wrong over and over in God's word.

I'm just saying, isn't there a point where we say "okay, it's wrong, there's no debate. Let's move on to the next topic, because this one is black and white, and all we need to say is "it's wrong, God says so, it's confirmed even in society. next question."

I mean, you're either saying it to people that don't need to hear it, or refuse to listen. If there is that random person in the crowd that the Spirit has moved to be touched by the message, wouldn't they only need to hear it once?

I dunno.

There are congregations like that around here too, btw. They bring in alot of money and itch alot of ears. But then, the Bible says that's how it'd be.
No. I don't think there's a point you can stop, because then that one person may be the one moved, but then it takes another sermon elsewhere to touch that OTHER person...see?
Which is why the pastoring business flourishes. The sermons never get old. "Jesus saves." "Drinking IS okay, a degree!"
No...telling the same again and again does not get old. Though for your ears, it may be. Just drop it politely to your pastor: "Hey, sir, (that's how I would) you know...I get it that the gays are in the wrong...can we move on to something else? I mean, I know how upsetting it is to you, but...yeah. That's right, sir. We the flock DO understand you...please let's just move on to something else? Hey, I hear Kenneth Copeland's seriously in the wrong...let's talk about him!"